
The Enduring Word • 1 + 2 Peter

October 11, 2020 - March 28, 2021

Righteous Living in Light of Eternity

March 28, 2021 • Pastor Steve Gibson

A new heaven and a new earth are coming, and in his closing remarks, Peter tells us to be prepared for Christ's return. So how do we get ready? How should we be prepared? We'll look at how we can live in such a way that reflects an eternal perspective this Sunday.

Patiently Waiting for Christ's Return

March 21, 2021 • Pastor Steve Gibson

"Like a thief in the night" is how the Bible describes Christ's return. Yet many still try to set dates and figure out the exact date. While we know that Jesus is coming again someday, we may be wondering: God, why are you taking so long? What do we do until that day? Are we really in the last days?

Winning the Battle Over your Mind

March 14, 2021 • Pastor Steve Gibson

There is a constant war on for our minds. Our enemy knows how important this battle is, because if he can win our minds, he can capture our hearts, and then our lives. Given that our minds are prone to wander even now, how do we safeguard our minds?

Be Sure of your Redemption

March 7, 2021 • Pastor Steve Gibson

The world tells us through false teachers that because we pray a certain prayer or live comparatively better lives than our neighbor that we have assurance of salvation. There are two different kinds of people Peter is writing to as we continue chapter two: those who think they are Christians, and those who actually are Christians. Do you have a false assurance of your salvation? Peter says make sure you are saved, and we'll talk about that Sunday.

A Christlike Response to Counterfeit Truths

February 28, 2021 • Pastor Steve Gibson

As believers in Christ, we are increasingly encountering a society that is wandering further from God, from systems like government, education and media to simple conversations we're having with friends and loved ones. So how do we recognize and counteract these unbiblical beliefs in a Godly and Christlike way? We'll look at how this Sunday.

Stay Alert: A Warning Against False Teachers

February 21, 2021 • Pastor Steve Gibson

There are those inside and outside the church who would seek to dissuade us from what we know to be true in God's Word. Peter shows us how to identify imposters, and how we can guard our hearts against those who would seek to divide and destroy the church.

Seeking God through the Spiritual Discipline of Fasting

February 14, 2021 • Pastor Steve Gibson

God's word describes fasting as a powerful spiritual discipline. Depriving ourselves of a luxury such as food is one of the most sincere and honest ways we can seek God. This Sunday, we'll talk through what fasting is, why it is so powerful, and God-honoring attitudes "when you fast."

Jesus the Messiah: Fully God & Fully Man

February 7, 2021 • Pastor Steve Gibson

Peter, nearing the end of his ministry reminds us of two things we should never forget: First, the historical Jesus was in fact the Messiah. Here on earth in flesh and blood. Jesus was in fact both human and deity. Secondly, we need to remember that all true prophecy will come true in the future regardless of whether we can fathom it practically or not.

God's Grace and Our Growth

January 31, 2021 • Pastor Michael Swindell

Ever struggle with the relationship between God's saving grace through faith (justification) and our growth in Him (sanctification)? We'll look at the difference, thinking correctly, and why it matters in terms of our salvation.

Life: God's Likeness and God's Purpose

January 24, 2021 • Pastor Steve Gibson

Our Creator designed life in His likeness and for His purpose. That includes yours and everyone else's. So what makes it so important to desire to preserve and value human life, and what happens when our reverence for life diminishes?

Freedom to Serve God and Others

January 17, 2021 • Pastor Steve Gibson

Is the way we live our lives honoring to God? Is pride tripping us up and causing us to fall off the path to truth, taking others with us? It can be devastating, but God in His grace gives us a way to conquer pride and selfishness.

Glorifying God with a Changed Life

January 3, 2021 • Pastor Steve Gibson

While the calendar changes, God's word does not. How can we tell by our lives that we belong to Jesus? What does God want us to leave behind and what is He building in His people? We worship together Sunday at 9 or 11, and the livestream begins at 9am.

Into the New Year

December 27, 2020 • Pastor John Klumpp

What a year 2020 has been. As this year comes to a close, we lament what has come to pass and anticipate a better year in 2021. What must we do to continue to grow in our faith? How can we press on and continue to run this race called life?

Christmas Eve Worship and Testimonies

December 24, 2020 • Pastor Steve Gibson

Choosing to Rejoice

December 13, 2020 • Pastor Steve Gibson

We are not promised a life of comfort and ease, especially as Christians. We experience hardship, loss, and suffering like everyone else. So why would God tell us to choose to rejoice, even in the middle of difficulty? Let's look into God's word and worship Him together this Sunday!