
Kids Recap: Balaam & Balak

March 17, 2019

Balaam could not curse God’s people. God had blessed the Israelites, so Balaam blessed them too. Fourteen hundred years after Balaam announced God’s promise, Jesus was born to bless the whole world by rescuing people from sin.

Kids Recap: Israel's Unfaithfulness

April 28, 2019 • John Klumpp

The judges saved the people from the consequences of their sin, but not the cause of it. God’s plan was to send a true Deliverer—Jesus, His own Son—to be the King of His people. Jesus saves people from sin forever.

Kids Recap: Taking the Land

April 14, 2019 • John Klumpp

Joshua’s name means “The LORD is salvation.” God fought for Joshua and the Israelites, saving them and giving them victory over their enemies. God brought us salvation by sending His Son, Jesus, to die on the cross and rise again.

Kids Recap: The Battle of Jericho

April 7, 2019 • John Klumpp

Through their obedience, the Israelites were victorious in the Battle of Jericho. Jesus was obedient to God's plan when he went to the cross to die for our sins. Because of Jesus' obedience, we can receive an eternal victory from sin and death.