
The Unfolding Plan of God

December 3, 2023 • Pastor Allen Bonnell • Matthew 1:1–11, Matthew 1:16–17, Isaiah 9:6

The Unfolding Plan of God

Matthew 1:1-11, 16-17

Isaiah 9:6 For to us a child is born,

    to us a son is given,

    and the government will be on his shoulders.

And he will be called

    Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God,

    Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.

God uses imperfect people for his perfect purposes.

The legacy you leave is more important than the heritage you received. 

The genealogy of Jesus points to the fact that we all need a savior.

In Christ you are given a new start and a new purpose.

A Rewritten Story

December 31, 2023 • Pastor Brett Martin • Matthew 3, 2 Corinthians 7:9–10, Psalm 1

A Rewritten Story Matthew 3:1-17 Repentance: think different →  feel different → do different 9 As it is, I rejoice, not because you were grieved, but because you were grieved into repenting. For you felt a godly grief, so that you suffered no loss through us. 10 For godly grief produces a repentance that leads to salvation without regret, whereas worldly grief produces death. (2 Corinthians 7:9-10) Repentance first. Baptism second. Why? Because it’s right. Only Christ can right our wrongs. The Spirit, like wind, removes the chaff from your life. The Spirit, like water, nourishes and brings fruit. The Spirit, like a dove, communicates peace.

The Escape to Egypt

December 24, 2023 • Pastor Allen Bonnell • Matthew 2:13–23

Matthew 2:13-23 1. Jesus is our deliverer. 2. The pain in the world will one day be comforted. 3. Jesus was cursed for us.


December 17, 2023 • Pastor Allen Bonnell • Micah 5:2, Matthew 2:1–12, Numbers 24:17, Isaiah 60:1–6

MagiQuest Matthew 2:1-12 Numbers 24:17 “I see him, but not now;     I behold him, but not near. A star will come out of Jacob;     a scepter will rise out of Israel. Isaiah 60:1-6 ESV Arise, shine, for your light has come,     and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you. 2 For behold, darkness shall cover the earth,     and thick darkness the peoples; but the Lord will arise upon you,     and his glory will be seen upon you. 3 And nations shall come to your light,     and kings to the brightness of your rising. 4 Lift up your eyes all around, and see;     they all gather together, they come to you; your sons shall come from afar,     and your daughters shall be carried on the hip. 5 Then you shall see and be radiant;     your heart shall thrill and exult, because the abundance of the sea shall be turned to you,     the wealth of the nations shall come to you. 6 A multitude of camels shall cover you,     the young camels of Midian and Ephah;     all those from Sheba shall come. They shall bring gold and frankincense,     and shall bring good news, the praises of the Lord. Micah 5:2 “But you, Bethlehem Ephrathah,     though you are small among the clans of Judah, out of you will come for me     one who will be ruler over Israel, whose origins are from of old,     from ancient times.” Seek Jesus. Ask others for direction. Worship Jesus. Bring your best gift to Jesus. Tell others about Jesus.