1451 - 2022

1 week 4 the next 51!

July 3 - 8, 2022

1451 will be the single most life-changing event in our student ministry, and you definitely want to be a part of what God does in and through students during this week. 1451 is a 5-day event for middle and high school students. Any student who will complete one of the following grades, 6th-12th, this spring is invited to attend. Early Bird price is $400 until Easter Sunday. Lock in that price with a $50 deposit, type EARLYBIRD all caps when given an opportunity at check out. Price will go up to $450 after Easter. All students will leave from their campus location on Sunday, July 3 and arrive in Panama City Beach, FL that night. We'll return on the evening of Friday, July 8. Students will be given daily opportunities for personal quiet time and small group discussions. During the days, students will learn more about God, take next steps in their relationship with Him, and have free time to relax on the beach and at the pool under supervision.