
The River at Denver Church

Get Refreshed, Refueled, Redefined!

July 1, 2023
7:00 - 10:00pm

THIS SATURDAY - READY FOR MORE?! We will also have FOOD AND FELLOWSHIP before service at 5:45. Please bring a dish to share if you are coming for that. Be ready for what God has for you at the River Denver Church! BUT FIRST, LET US HAVE DISCIPLESHIP CLASSES. The will START PROMPTLY at 5PM. These will foundational classes that will not only help you grow in fellowship and spiritual walk with Christ, but also learn how to receive all God has for you in HIS PRESENCE. Big things for you and your family as we continue to see Jesus show up in power in the lives of people. Don't forget to come early for the parking in the lot. Doors open at 6PM if you would like to pray with us. Revival brings change! Let's keep contending. Giving birth to something beautiful is not without pangs. The pressing through the pain is what is important to seeing the beautiful things God has. Are you ready! Revival will continue to come as we push through. Come early to get a good seat, have some coffee and be read! DOORS OPEN AT 6PM starting at 6:00 and everything starts at 7PM. ABOUT THE RIVER AT DENVER: - Powerful time of live worship, teaching, preaching, and demonstration of the Holy Ghost and power - Church without limits! A church that is different from what the world sees. WE HAVE TO HAVE A MOVE of God and it will BE GOD WHO MOVES! Come see for yourself. We are celebrating Jesus for everything throughout the week. Join us and bring a friend. These are a time of refreshing, refueling, and redefining. Whether you are a pastor, leader, are a regular church goer or not, we meet together to contend for a move of God in Colorado! Revival is in our DNA. We allow the Holy Spirit to have HIS way in every meeting. So come expecting, come to get refreshed, refueled, and redefined by a genuine move of God so you can bring the Holy Spirit into everything you do and everywhere you go! Also, feel free to join weekly LIVE ONLINE every day Mon-Fri at 8AM join us LIVE from the WOLMI studio! If you and your family are looking for a good place that is full gospel, spirit-filled, and allows the Holy Spirit to move in every service, then we would love to connect with you all. We are truly aiming to bring revival everywhere we go where the presence of God will touch the lives of all who hunger and thirst after him. For those interested in helping us be part of a church with a difference. We need people hungry for a move of God that desperately want revival to break out in Colorado, to be part of our launch teams. BE A PART OF THE MOVE! We would ask that you come at least three times to grab a hold and understand the vision behind what God is doing with the River at Denver Church as well as receive a culture of revival for you and your family. We are excited to meet you and truly believe the best for Colorado and revival throughout with a massive move of God has begun! Come expecting and ready to receive. You can find more about Ps. R. Elliott and Rebecca Merskin on our website: www.wolmintl.com/our-story This is the greatest time to be alive as God is releasing revival in the hearts and areas of all who are hungry and thirsty for God! So if you know ANYONE in the Colorado area that is hungry and thirsty for what God is doing, they will not want to miss this moment. That is all we can say about it! Rev. Elliott has been saying for quite a while now, "We have to have a move of God and it will be God that moves!" Now, WE ARE SEEING GOD MOVE AND IT IS HIM DOING IT! It is amazing and wonderful. Revival has begun! Blessings and we look forward to seeing you all this Saturday.