

In The Zone - Part 5

May 5, 2024 • Pastor Stu Hodges

If you're taking the time to read this, chances are you're feeling like you’ve settled for less in some part of your life. Whether it's in a job that doesn't fulfill you, financial struggles weighing you down, or battling with anxiety and disappointment, you might have accepted a situation as 'normal' that falls short of God’s best for you. Lead Pastor Stu Hodges shares a heartfelt message of hope: You don't have to stay stuck where you are, because God's got bigger plans in store for you! Tune in today to discover that when you reach out to Jesus, He's there, ready to lead you into the amazing life He has waiting just for you!

#WatersEdgeChurch #ChangeTheWay #InTheZone #SweetSpot #ReachForJesus

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The Blessed Place

April 28, 2024 • Pastor Stu Hodges

Did you know that 65% of Americans identify money as their primary source of stress? Additionally, a staggering 70% find it challenging to cover basic expenses. That’s definitely not “in the zone” living. But here's the good news: Lead Pastor Stu Hodges offers invaluable guidance on taking practical steps towards the blessed place. Jump in with us today and discover how 'God Math' can get you back In The Zone! #WatersEdgeChurch #ChangeTheWay #InTheZone #SweetSpot #GodMath #WeGiveBig

In A Prison

April 21, 2024 • Pastor Stu Hodges

Breaking news: Life is hard…but I bet you're no stranger to that. So, that leaves us with this question: How do you live In The Zone when life throws you a curveball? When you're standing at a graveside, stuck in a hospital bed, or just feeling the sting of disappointment—how on earth could that be the "sweet spot" God intended? Turns out, living In The Zone isn't about our circumstances—it's all about recognizing God's presence in the midst of them. Lead Pastor Stu Hodges has three practical steps for us that will help shift our focus from where we are to where God is, turning any place into The Zone! #WatersEdgeChurch #ChangeTheWay #InTheZone #SweetSpot #AnytimeAnyplaceAnywhere

In The Zone Of Obedience

April 14, 2024 • Pastor Stu Hodges

Are you striving for a life filled with peace and abundance, but feeling like you keep falling short? Well, you’re in the right place! God wants you to live life “In The Zone”—in the sweet spot of His success. But let's be real: most of don’t. How can we reverse this trend? Join Lead Pastor Stu Hodges as he guides us to understand why we often live outside the zone and equips us with the tools to unlock God's abundant blessings, getting us back where we’ve always been meant to be—In The Zone! #WatersEdgeChurch #ChangeTheWay #InTheZone #SweetSpot #TrustAndObey