David prays, "O LORD, make me know my end and what is the measure of my days; let me know how fleeting I am!" (Psalm 39:4). Why does David pray for such an awareness of his mortality? So that he will not pursue the fleeting vanities of life, but hope in God (Psalm 39:6-7).
To sing Psalm 39 we wrote an original paraphrase to fit Robert Lowry's hymn melody "Here Is Love" (1876).
This recording features Naomi Stamoolis on vocals, Joel Stamoolis on double bass, Sean Tracy on guitar, Maggie Chapman on flute, Tanya Galloway on piano, and Igor Galloway on drums.

Psalm 39
Psalm 39
Psalm 123
Psalm 123
Psalms 120-134 are called Psalms of Ascent, most likely because they were sung by worshipers ascending to Jerusalem for the annual festivals. In Psalm 123, the worshipers look humbly to the LORD God for mercy. To sing Psalm 123 we used lyrics by Joel Stamoolis (©2010) set to the melody of the Bourree II in J.S. Bach's Cello Suite No. 4. This recording features Naomi Stamoolis on vocals and English horn and Joel Stamoolis on vocals and guitar.
Psalm 122
Psalm 122
Psalms 120-134 are called Psalms of Ascent, most likely because they were sung by worshipers ascending to Jerusalem for the annual festivals. In Psalm 122, the psalmist rejoices at having arrived in Jerusalem, the city of the LORD's house and anointed King. To sing Psalm 122 we set lyrics from Sing Psalms (©2003 Free Church of Scotland) to the melody "Hyfrdol" ("Come, Thou Long Expected Jesus") by Rowland Prichard (1830). This recording features Andrea Sandefur, Naomi Stamoolis, and Dennis DeWinter on vocals, and Joel Stamoolis on vocals and guitar.
Psalm 121
Psalm 121
Psalms 120-134 are called Psalms of Ascent, most likely because they were sung by worshipers ascending to Jerusalem for the annual festivals. In Psalm 121, the psalmist looks to the hills of Jerusalem and remembers that our help for the journey, and indeed for all of life, comes from the LORD, the Maker of heaven and earth. To sing Psalm 121 we used an original setting by Andrea Sandefur (©2015). This recording features Andrea Sandefur and Naomi Stamoolis on vocals and Joel Stamoolis on guitar.