
Psalm 107

Psalm 107

Psalm 107 begins the fifth and final book in the book of Psalms. Psalm 107 is a psalm of thanksgiving praising the LORD who in his steadfast love is redeeming a people for himself. He hears their cries of distress and gathers them in from east, west, north, and south.

To sing this psalm we used Wendell Kimbrough's setting "Oh Give Thanks (Psalm 107)" (©2016 Wendell Kimbrough).

This recording features Willy Shelton, Andrea Sandefur, and Kimberly Hopkins on vocals, Joel Stamoolis on vocals and guitar, Heidi Friese on piano, Dexter Tucker on alto saxophone, Herb Dunham on baritone, David Tollerud on trumpet, Brian Beaudry on bass guitar, and Jeremy Bloomstrom on drums.