
Daily Devotional - 6 Dec 2021

Humility Heals the Suffering

December 3, 2021

Today's Devotional

14Then if my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and restore their land.

This verse has been often taken out of its context to promote some form of nationalism for American Christianity over the last few years. The true context of this verse is a warning and promise to Israel - Not America. This was spoken to Solomon during the consecration of the temple. If God’s chosen people fall away from him, there would be punishment, but if they repent and humble themselves, He is faithful to restore them.

All that out of the way, what does this mean to a non-Hebrew, American Christian Convert? Just like Israel, we fall away. We walk into the pain of separation from God because of our own sinful desires. The beautiful thing about pain is that everyone experiences it and it truly levels the playing field. Whether it’s emotional, physical, or even spiritual pain. God’s promise here is that Humility will begin the healing process. In relationships with other humans, it takes humility to spark forgiveness. Humility before the throne means that we recognize He is God and we are not, that His ways are Higher and ours can only lead to Suffering. As we humble ourselves before the God of the Universe, we seek His glory above all else.

Your mission this week is to pinpoint some ways that your ego has taken you to some places of pain and find the humility to back your way out and back into the path of righteousness.

This week, As we reflect on this, Ask yourself what true humility means?

In what ways has your ego brought you to points of pain in your life?

What steps can we take to see God’s glory through the pain?

How does humility play a part in this plan of action?