
November 24, 2019

Give Thanks

November 24, 2019 • Dr. Stan Welch

1 Chronicles 16:7-15

7 On that same day, David appointed Asaph and his brothers to sing for the first time these praises of the Lord:

8 Give thanks to the Lord, invoke his name;
make known among the peoples his deeds.
9 Sing praise, play music;
proclaim all his wondrous deeds.
10 Glory in his holy name;
rejoice, O hearts that seek the Lord!
11 Rely on the mighty Lord;
constantly seek his face.
12 Recall the wondrous deeds he has done,
his signs, and his words of judgment,
13 You sons of Israel, his servants,
offspring of Jacob, the chosen ones!
14 The Lord is our God;
who rules the whole earth.
15 He remembers forever his covenant
the pact imposed for a thousand generations—