
Assurance and Acceptance

True Love: Week 6

March 17, 2024 • 1 John 3:19–24

This past Sunday we concluded week 6 of our True Love series. As we live out our faith, let us revisit the powerful insights drawn from the depths of scripture and the heart of our shared experiences in Christ. Here are a few key takeaways from our message called Assurance and Acceptance:

- Assurance in God's Grace: We were reminded that our assurance rests not on our performance, but on the unshakable foundation of God's power and faithfulness. Despite the inner turmoil of doubt and self-condemnation, we are held secure by His unfailing love.

- The Role of the Holy Spirit: The Holy Spirit affirms our walk with God, providing guidance and comfort. As we face the complexities of life and faith, especially in this digital age, the Spirit's presence is a source of solace and strength.

- Embracing Spiritual Warfare: Recognizing spiritual warfare is crucial. Condemnation may come from within, but we can combat it with the Word of God and remind ourselves of the salvation promised through Jesus Christ and the fact that there's no condemnation for those who are in Christ (Romans 8:1).

- Transformative Grace: God's grace is actively working within us, renovating our lives like houses long neglected. Our souls, once marred by sin, are being remade into something beautiful—testaments to the enduring power of His love.

Confidence in Prayer

April 21, 2024 • Pastor Jerome Gay Jr. • 1 John 5:14–21

We delved into the transformative nature of prayer and the spiritual challenges we face as Christians. Here some key takeaways from our time together: - The Purpose and Power of Prayer: We discussed that prayer is more than just making requests; it's an act of obedience, service, and a means to align our will with God's. Rooted in faith, Jesus' name, and the power of the Holy Spirit, prayer can change not just our circumstances but us as individuals. - Navigating Sin and Salvation: We tackled the difficult concept of the 'sin leading to death' and the importance of the Holy Spirit in our salvation. Remember, while some sins seem daunting, our intercessory prayers can still make a difference in the lives of those who stumble. - Resisting Modern-Day Idolatry: Our conversation included a warning against the subtle idolatries of power, pride, and self-reliance. It's crucial to remain vigilant and keep our relationship with Christ at the forefront.

The Love that Conquers

April 14, 2024 • KO Grissett • 1 John 5:1–13

Our journey through 1 John 5:1-13 was enlightening. Here are some key takeaways that can inspire us throughout the week: - The Conquering Power of Love: We discussed the biblical assertion that true victory comes through our faith in Jesus Christ and our obedience to His commands. This love, as taught in the scriptures, conquers all. - Eternal Life through Jesus: The message highlighted the importance of the testimony given by the Spirit, the water, and the blood, affirming the life and divinity of Jesus Christ. By believing in Him, we are granted the promise of eternal life. - The Unbreakable Bond of Christ's Love: We were reminded that nothing can separate us from the love of Christ. This assurance enables us to face life's challenges with confidence and hope, knowing we are more than conquerors in Him. - Living for the Kingdom: We are called to live lives that reflect the ultimate victory of Jesus, with our actions and testimonies contributing to the grand narrative of God's eternal glory.

Love Defined

April 7, 2024 • Pastor Jerome Gay Jr. • 1 John 4:7–21

As we continue our journey through the week, let's take a moment to reflect on the key takeaways from our time together: - The Harmony of Love and Holiness: God's love does not negate His standards. His holiness, righteousness, and justice perfectly align with His love, each attribute complementing the other in divine harmony. - Agape - Selfless Love: We are called to emulate the selfless, sacrificial love that God shows us. This 'agape' love is the essence of our Christian walk and should define our interactions with others, within the church and in the world. - Love Over Fear: The example of Christ's sacrificial love should inspire us, moving us away from fear as our motivator and towards love as our driving force in our relationship with God and one another. - Living Testaments of Love: Our love for God is reflected in our love for our neighbors. We are challenged to be living testaments of divine love, breaking the contradiction of claiming to love God while neglecting to love those around us.