
From Companion to Competitor

Beef: Week 2

May 5, 2024 • Pastor Jerome Gay Jr. • 1 Samuel 18:1–19

We dive into the depths of Scripture in a familiar encounter between Saul and David. We learned how comparison contributes to ongoing conflict in our lives.

Here are a few key takeaways to meditate on this week:

- Roots of Conflict is Internal: We explored James 4 to understand that conflicts often arise from pride and self-centeredness. Our internal processing significantly influences our external responses to such situations.

- We Need to be LOVER's: A transformative approach to handling conflict that includes Leading with restoration, Overlooking some offenses, Viewing others as God’s creations, giving people our Ear while listening to understand rather than just to respond and Resisting vengeance.

- Overcoming Comparison: By examining the relationship between David and Saul, we learned the importance of resisting comparison and embracing the unique purpose and timing God has for each of us. Embrace your calling and don't compare your calling to that of others.

- Choosing Restoration Over Retaliation: David's example taught us the power of mercy and purpose, even when faced with hostility, as we saw in his restraint with Saul.

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