
Bold Makeover

Women's Sunday 2024

March 10, 2024 • Ronique Wilson • Ephesians 2:10

Ronique Wilson talked about a Bold Makeover! She took us on journey together through a spiritual examination of women's identity in Christ and the unyielding strength they derive from their sisterhood in faith. Here are some key takeaways from her message to encourage and inspire women:


- Our Divine Identity: We are each a unique masterpiece created by God, wonderfully crafted for a purpose. Remember, no matter our traits or inclinations, we are His possession, the pinnacle of His creation, and we hold a special position in His plan that calls us to perform good works prepared for us beforehand.

- The Power of Sister Friends: Like trees in a forest, we thrive through the support and protection of one another. Our sister friends lift us up, carry us through tough times, and provide accountability. Let's commit to expanding our circles and embracing new relationships within our church family.

- Finding Beauty in Brokenness: Just as a seed must break to sprout and grow, our brokenness can lead to growth and the emergence of new life. Challenges and trials, while tough, are the very things that can forge our strength and beauty in faith.

- Community Building: Inclusivity is key in nurturing our church community, especially among our sisters of all races and backgrounds. Let us be proactive in welcoming new members and weaving their unique threads into the rich tapestry of our church family.