
Where's the Love?

True Love: Week 5

March 3, 2024 • Sandy Roberts • 1 John 3:7–18

Pastor Sandy gave us several areas of reflection:


- Love in Action and Truth: We were reminded that genuine love is not just expressed in words but through righteous actions. As 1 John 3:18 encourages us, let us not love in word or talk but in deed and in truth.

- Our Identity as Children of God: He emphasized our identity in Christ, especially in the light of Easter, and challenged us to live authentically, resisting worldly temptations and embracing our divine affiliation.

- The Power of Sacrificial Love: The ultimate act of love, demonstrated by Jesus Christ's sacrifice, was highlighted as a model for us to foster within our community, encouraging us to put others' needs above our own.

- Resisting Deception and Temptation: We discussed the importance of being vigilant against the lies and temptations that can lead us away from God's path, and the necessity of relying on the Holy Spirit for guidance and strength.

- Community and Fellowship: Pastor Sandy brought to light the transformative power of Christian fellowship, urging us to actively participate in our church’s Be One Make One Groups where we seek to practice love selflessly.