March 31, 2024 • Pastor Chris Pratt • Mark 15:7–15, Mark 16:1–6
Experience the celebration of Easter with us at Vision! In this soul-stirring sermon on Barabbas, where we look at Mark 15 and Mark 16.. Learn how God's grace sets us free and the significance of Jesus' sacrifice. Don't miss this: there is opportunity to embrace true freedom in Christ.
Pontius Pilate
March 24, 2024 • Pastor Chris Pratt • John 18:29–38, John 19:4–16, Galatians 1:10
In this week 4 of our Jesus on Trial series, we look at the intense exchanges between Jesus and Pontius Pilate as recounted in John 18 and 19. Truth is revealed as Pilate grapples with accusations against Jesus and the pressure to appease the crowd. Followers of Jesus are called to live beyond the sway of people's opinions, living in obedience to God without the fear of disappointing others. Join us as we learn that alle
giance to Christ demands courage and conviction, challenging us to boldly stand for truth in a world where distractions and people-pleasing can obscure our faith.
March 17, 2024 • Pastor Chris Pratt • Luke 22:33–34, Luke 22:54–62, John 21:3–5, Luke 5:10–11
We have all felt shame and guilt of things we have done in our life. When life is filled with doubt and disappointment, it's easy to distance from Jesus, which will lead to denying Jesus. Jesus has come to set you free of that shame. Join us this week as we continue the Series: Jesus on Trial. This week we dive into the Book of Luke and John and learn about Peter. Just because you fail does not mean God is finished with you!
Judas Iscariot
March 10, 2024 • Pastor Chris Pratt • Matthew 26, Matthew 27, Isaiah 53
Do you see Jesus as a teacher or do you see Him as Lord? Where is the line between viewing Jesus as a mere instructor and recognizing Him as our authority? We’re in Matthew 26 where we answer the question: are we aligning with Judas's betrayal or committing to Jesus' path? You have the choice of owning your deeds and seeking renewal in Jesus' ultimate act of love.
Mary Magdalene
March 3, 2024 • Pastor Chris Pratt • Matthew 27, Luke 8, John 20:11–17
To be resilient is to be able to withstand or recover quickly from difficult conditions. Life can throw us unexpected curve balls, how close are we to Jesus during these times? The darker the times, the closer we should be to Jesus. Join us this week as we begin a new Series: Jesus on Trial. This week we learn about Mary Magdalene. No matter what was thrown at her or what consumed her, she followed Jesus every step of the way. When life is dark we need to sit with the light, Jesus.