
Jonah - Week 4

More Manah, Please

March 20, 2022 • Pastor Chris Pratt • Jonah 4

As we wrap up our Jonah series, we learn that Jonah still carried wounds from being in the belly of fish. But when and how do wounds heal? • Wounds heal as they begin to scar. When you have wounds, you hurt. But when you have scars, you are healed. • Several times in Jonah ch. 4, we read that God appoints something, so we have a vocabulary lesson -- MANAH means: assent, to appoint, to prepare, or to provide. • Lean in as we learn that sometimes what looks like a problem is actually God’s provision, and that God’s provision does not always come wrapped in your preferences. Sometimes, what seems like misery now, will look like manna later.

More from Jonah

Jonah - Week 3

March 13, 2022 • Pastor Chris Pratt • Jonah 3

What happens when you obey God? • What happens when you tell people about God? • In week three of our Jonah series, we learn that Salvation is up to God, not you. The only way people can experience faith is by hearing about it. But what's the point? It's not about filling seats. It’s about saving souls.

Jonah - Week 2

March 6, 2022 • Pastor Chris Pratt • Jonah 1:17, Jonah 2

Jonah was in the belly of a fish. It was dark. It was lonely. It was a wretched place. Yet, in his darkest moment, Jonah knew to cry out to God. In week two of Jonah, we learn, that sometimes you will have to experience pain in order to fulfill God’s purpose and that you don’t have to understand God’s plan to trust God’s heart. Listen as Pastor Chris helps us helps us understand: when you realize you have nothing but God, you realize you have all you’ve ever needed.

Jonah - Week 1

February 27, 2022 • Pastor Chris Pratt • Jonah 1

Jonah ran from God, disobeyed God, and ended up swallowed by a fish - where he lived for three days and three nights. • What if you intend to obey God, but decide to wait? And, really, if we're being honest, isn't there a little bit of Jonah in all of us? Catch the message as we learn we begin to learn what disobedience really is, what causes it, and what our response to God should be.