
Jonah - Week 4

More Manah, Please

March 20, 2022 • Pastor Chris Pratt • Jonah 4

As we wrap up our Jonah series, we learn that Jonah still carried wounds from being in the belly of fish. But when and how do wounds heal? • Wounds heal as they begin to scar. When you have wounds, you hurt. But when you have scars, you are healed. • Several times in Jonah ch. 4, we read that God appoints something, so we have a vocabulary lesson -- MANAH means: assent, to appoint, to prepare, or to provide. • Lean in as we learn that sometimes what looks like a problem is actually God’s provision, and that God’s provision does not always come wrapped in your preferences. Sometimes, what seems like misery now, will look like manna later.

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