
God Wants You

May 10, 2020 • Clark Halstead

Luke 19:1-10

1. What are some of the ways that the blind beggar (right before Zacchaeus) and Zacchaeus and himself could have justified feeling totally unworthy of Jesus’ attention? What are some of the things you would use to justify why you don’t think you are worthy of Jesus’ attention today?

2. What are some of the ways that the bling beggar and Zacchaeus had to overcome obstacles in order to meet Jesus? What obstacles are you experiencing today in trying to meet Jesus?

3. The story about Zacchaeus, the story of the blind beggar, and the parable of the minas all talk about stewardship of God’s resources as an act of worship stemming from God’s acceptance of us in Jesus’ sacrifice for our sins. One of the most interesting components of this story is the servant who chose not to invest. Why do you think this mina was taken from him? What do you think his lack of investment of the mina communicated about his view of the nobleman? Was the nobleman actually a harsh master? Does his giving of cities communicate that he is harsh? How do you see our relationship with God? Do you view him as harsh and cruelly judging the investment of our stewardship or do you see him as generously rewarding and celebrating our choice to love and trust him?