
Unsigns and Signs

May 24, 2020 • Robb Esperat


In his sermon this morning, Robb spoke about two common unhealthy responses to COVID-19 stressors - “giving up” on the disciplines of daily life, or “giving in” to fear and anxiety. Which of these do you see more in your circles? In your own life?

Read Luke 21:8-19. These ‘unsigns’ bear witness, not to the end, but to the current brokenness of the world. What instructions or exhortations does Jesus give us in these verses? How do they relate to us during the COVID-19 era?

Compare and contrast Luke 21:20-24 with vv25-28. What key event does each section foretell? What sign[s] accompany each event? Why do you think Jesus spoke to these two events, when the disciples seemed to only ask about one (v7)?

Read Luke 21:29-33. The parable of the fig tree corresponds to the prophecy in vv 20-24. Luke’s gospel was almost certainly written and circulated before the destruction of Jerusalem in AD70, and there are substantial traditions from the early church that Jerusalem Christians successfully escaped that terrible event, fleeing the city when they saw “Jerusalem surrounded by armies.” Some believe these words were fulfilled at that time, while others believe a more complete fulfillment is yet to come. Either way, what value is there for us in knowing Jesus spoke these words, if we ourselves will likely never need to flee Jerusalem?

Read Luke 21:34-36 and Matthew 24:42-44. This second parable of the trap/thief corresponds to the prophecy in Luke 21:25-28. How is the application different from the parable of the fig tree? What does it mean for us to ‘stay awake’?