
The Aftermath of Obedience

Pt. 10

June 7, 2020 • Matt Smith

Paul, after his experience on the road to Damascus becomes a dedicated Christ follower and proclaimer. Obedient to the point of being thrown in prison, we see the importance of being aware of the Spirit: helping us to discern living in obedience versus living in defiance. Having an ear opened to Jesus can totally transform one’s life. Listening for guidance presents opportunities we may have missed otherwise. Regarding the needs of others more than our own desires will help us lead people toward Him.

More from The Aftermath

Proper Perspective

June 28, 2020 • Jasmyn Denton

In the aftermath of uncertainty, there is a heightened sense of anxiety. Yet, Paul outlines a way to overcome these anxious thoughts: prayer. Powerful prayer is productive and serves as an act of humility, bringing our needs to God knowing He can handle things we cannot. The peace Jesus has to offer orients our minds to be set on Him, rather than our troubles. When our aim is contentment rather than control, Jesus shows up in astounding ways.

Consider the Source

June 21, 2020 • Matt Smith

In the aftermath of uncertainty, there is a loss of security. Uncertainty can breed insecurity. Insecurity spreads like wildfire into every corner of your thoughts, feelings, beliefs, and actions. Insecurity is a symptom of a misplaced identity. At every turn, the world gives us a label, but even the best labels are unreliable as a means of living and loving like Jesus. Why settle for a label when God is offering an identity?

Brighter Together

June 14, 2020 • Matt Smith

The greatest threat to the movement of God is division within the people of God. The key to unity within the body is an abundance of sincere humility.