Encouraging the church to dream big to see the Kingdom of God come. Encouraging them to partner with God, expectant that He will come through on His promises- whichever they may be. To always be on the look out for opportunities to bless.
Ready. Steady. Acts | 9
August 9, 2020 • Wendy Howson
The early church had unstoppable zeal to spread the Good News of Jesus because they’d experienced personally that God’s love is unstoppable. They knew that nothing is impossible with God! God’s purpose and plans for us are unstoppable – and everyone gets to play. God’s presence and power are unstoppable – He leads and guides as we worship, fast and pray.
Ready. Steady. Acts | 8
August 2, 2020 • Mark Helvadjian
This week we look at Acts 12 and Peter’s miraculous escape from prison. How was this possible? We find the answer in one little verse – verse 5 – the church prayed! What can we learn from this today and who has God placed in your life that needs your prayers?
Ready. Steady. Acts | 7
July 26, 2020 • Heather Ryan
What can we learn from this radical new church? Continuing our series in chapters 10 and 11 of Acts, we meet Peter (a Jew) and Cornelius (a gentile). Here we see Luke addressing issues of Prejudice, radical reconciliation of cultures and ethnicities and gives a blueprint of Gods desire for His church.
Ready. Steady. Acts | 6
July 12, 2020 • Mark Helvadjian
As we continue looking though the book of Acts, we come to Chapter 5 and a challenging and often mis-understood story - the story of Ananias and Sapphira. What could it mean for us today and how do we respond 2000 years later?
Ready. Steady. Acts | 5
July 5, 2020 • Richard Gathard
That moment you tell people you’re a Christian can spark different reactions and often some resistance. So, how did Peter have the boldness to go all in and see people come to know Jesus? Join Richard as he explores Acts 4 in the next part of this series.
Ready. Steady. Acts | 4
June 28, 2020 • Chris Lane
As we continue in the book of Acts, we look at Peter and John's visit to the temple and how their boldness brought glory to God.
Ready. Steady. Acts | 3
June 21, 2020 • Mark Helvadjian
As we continue in the book of Acts, we look at the place of fellowship. Rather than being a gathering of like-minded people, or a club of shared interests, we see that fellowship is much deeper - it is communion with God and with each other. Mark unpacks for us 3 reasons why fellowship is so important as believers and challenges us, are we in true fellowship?
Ready. Steady. Acts | 2
June 14, 2020 • Mark Helvadjian
What does worship mean to you? Is it something which happens only on a Sunday or is it part of your daily walk with God? Looking at the early church in Acts, we see that they praised the Lord every day, in every way and everywhere. More than just singing, worship is a life and heart devoted to a God who loves us.
Ready. Steady. Acts | 1
June 7, 2020 • Mark Helvadjian
As we start a new series looking at the book of Acts, we find that within its pages, we see a blueprint for how we are to live our lives over 2000 years later. Mark introduces 4 key themes which we will emerge as we walk through Acts together over the coming weeks.