Jenna, Denise and Mark answer questions relating to the Stand Strong series.
Stand Strong | 9
May 9, 2021 • Mark Helvadjian
Mark ends our series on the Armor of God in Ephesians 6:10-18 by looking at Paul’s instruction to pray at all times. Rather than prayer being part of our armor, we see that prayer is the very thing that enables us to put on and stand in the armor God provides for us. Encouraging us to ‘just do it!’ Mark provides 6 principles on prayer which we can learn from Eph 6:18.
Stand Strong | 8
May 2, 2021 • Chris Lane
As we draw to the end of this series, we move from defense to offence. In this talk, Chris Lane describes the nature of the battle we’re in, and how “we take up our position”
Stand Strong | 7
April 25, 2021 • Mark Helvadjian
As we continue in our series, Stand Strong, we look at the Helmet of Salvation and how it has been designed to protect our minds in the midst of the battle. Rather than being a one-time event, we see that we have our part to play in putting on the helmet daily.
Stand Strong | 6
April 18, 2021 • Mark Helvadjian
What do you hope for? Is it based on wishful thinking or an absolute certainty? As we continue in our series looking at the Armor of God, we unpack together the Shield of Faith and see that in order to stand strong, we need a hope based on the assurance of God’s word.
Stand Strong | 5
April 11, 2021 • Denise Gray
How do we stand strong in the Gospel of peace? Denise reinforces that our strength comes from God alone and how the gospel of peace is our deliverance and the destruction of the enemy.
Stand Strong | 4
March 28, 2021 • Mark Helvadjian
How is your heart? In need of protection? As we continue our Stand Strong talk series looking at the Armor of God, we arrive at verse 14b and the Breastplate of Righteousness. Seeing how it is designed to protect our hearts, we look at why our hearts need protecting and how the breastplate of righteousness does this in our lives.
Stand Strong | 3
March 21, 2021 • Mark Helvadjian
What is ‘Truth’ to you? Is it an absolute, something that doesn’t change, or is it relative, something that can be different for different people? As we look at the second part of the Belt of Truth in the armour of God, we see that the truth of who God is, and who we are in Him, isn’t defined by us, but rather by God himself. Mark then does a fact check on some common deviations from God’s truth.
Stand Strong | 2
March 14, 2021 • Mark Helvadjian
As we continue our talk series ‘Stand Strong’, looking at how we put on the full armour of God, we discuss the first item in the armour, the Belt of Truth and ask the questions, Why a belt and what truth?
Stand Strong | 1
March 7, 2021 • Mark Helvadjian
Imagine if you could wear a special armor which enabled you to stand strong in the face of opposition. Would you wear it? As we start a new talk series, Stand Strong, we look at the armor which God provides for each of us and how we can use it to stand strong.