
I Doubt That

April 24, 2016 • Ryan Zies

Luke 24:35-49

What is one thing/area you are doubting in your life?

Jesus appears to the disciples

Why do we Doubt?

What happens when we Doubt?

Hold onto God's promises

Become a Powerful Pray-er

April 17, 2016 • Becky Tirabassi

Jesus taught that PRAYER is most powerful and effective when it is... I. Conversational - Luke 11:1-4 II. Transactional - Luke 11:5-13 III. Continual - Luke 18:1-8


April 10, 2016 • Roger Tirabassi

Positional 1 Cor. 1:30 Progressive Hebrews 10:14 Perfected 1 John 3:2-3 Six Benefits of Progressive Sanctification 1. We will have a deeper sense of God's Presence. (Psalm 15:1-5 NLT) 2. We will be Blessed in new ways. (Luke 18:28-30 NIV) 3. We will avoid the consequences of our sins. (Galatians 6:7-8 NIV) 4. We will be more fruitful both inwardly and outwardly (Luke 13:6-9 NIV) 5. We will Glorify God. (Matthew 5:16 NIV, 2 Chronicles 7:14 NIV 6. We will experience great Joy. (John 15:11 NIV) Progressive Sanctification: "A developmental process of growing in maturity, being set apart and made holy by following Jesus in the power of The Holy Spirit." The Six ways of Sanctification: 1. Practice His presence 2. Read and study your Bible daily 3. Be devoted to prayer 4. Actively fight your temptations 5. Keep regular church attendance 6. Stay in close fellowship with other believers

What Next?

April 3, 2016 • Roger Tirabassi