
Mark and Bethany Harris

Missionaries to Japan/South Asia

Mark and Bethany evangelized full-time for over eleven years and then pastored more than fourteen years in Wisconsin. There he also served as evangelist coordinator. They are originally from the Arkansas District. After serving as an AIMer for eighteen months in Bangladesh and India, and an Associate Missionary for three and a half years, they were appointed as intermediate missionaries to Japan/South Asia. They have assisted by teaching Purpose Institute for six months and helping to establish children's ministries.

The Harris family received their appointment to AIM in 2013. In 2014, they arrived in Bangladesh, where they taught Bible studies, taught Purpose Institute, and traveled to India to do evangelistic ministry. In 2015, they moved to India, where they worked with the General Superintendent of the North East India UPC, taught in Bible colleges, taught leadership seminars, preached children's camps, youth camps, revivals and conference meetings. They have traveled to many countries in Asia, doing Apostolic ministry, teaching, preaching, training, and discipling believers. The Harrises have been privileged to see many miracles, and over 5,000 have received the Holy Ghost in their ministry worldwide.