
Mark and Glenda Alphin

Missionaries to Finland and Iceland

Following a 2005-2006 AIM term in Estonia, the Alphins were appointed as representatives to Finland in 2007. When they arrived on-field at the close of 2010 they had just two contacts. Since that time the work has expanded to two churches and two preaching points. In 2014, Iceland was added to their responsibilities and much time has been spent doing pre-evangelism prayer walks and planting seeds of the Gospel wherever possible.

With the assistance of AIM, their goal is to expand the Church's presence in the top urban areas of Finland. Refusing to allow distance to hamper efforts, they have successfully utilized online videoconferencing tools to share Bible studies, classes, prayer and training meetings and more. Their passion is training and discipleship, as spiritual foundation is key to the sustainability of a work. Mark began serving as the District Secretary of the UPC of the Nordic Countries in 2018 and is the Nordic Presbyter of Finland and Iceland. Both Mark and Glenda are ordained ministers with the UPCI.