
The Healing Power of Obedience

Pastor Mike Stubbs • Genesis 48:8–20

Most people want to do something for God but feel unprepared, unqualified or that life has just taken too much of a toll on them to this point to put themselves out there again. But the life stories of the characters of the Bible are speaking to and mentoring us into the adventure of faith-life. Faith-life obeys where one is at, is fruitful with whatever resources God has given, and reaps the reward of the pain of the past becoming a distant memory crowded out by the blessings of the God-life now. John 10:10 reminds us that the enemy comes to steal, kill, and destroy but Jesus came to give us abundant life now.

Understanding Christian Character

April 14, 2024 • Pastor Mike Stubbs • 2 Peter 1:3–11

The most important quality of a disciple of Jesus Christ is godly character. That is how real believers are identified and how fake or immature believers are exposed. We are identified by our “fruit” which is the fruit of the Holy Spirit. Even if a person is gifted, the real test is a person’s character, habits, and lifestyle. Godly believers leave a trail of wholeness in the church not collateral damage. 

The Power of the Resurrection

March 31, 2024 • Pastor Mike Stubbs

We were not created to experience corruption, sorrow, and death. We were created for everlasting peace, joy, and life. But mankind sold out to darkness and had to be purchased back by the replacement death of Jesus Christ – Him instead of us. Jesus died for us, defeated death, rose from the grave and offers new life to everyone who chooses to believe. 

Albania Missions Report

March 24, 2024 • Chris Dakas • Revelation 14:6

Business as a mission is a concept that intentionally leverages the power of business to meet spiritual, social, and economic needs in an increasingly complex world that can be hostile to traditional mission methodology. The mission, values, and purpose of the business is to create an open door to the Gospel message through the God-given talents and gifts of individuals called to such endeavors. They are often called "tent-making ministries" due to the Apostle Paul using his talent as a tent maker to support his own ministry as recorded in the New Testament. Listen to apostolic entrepreneur Chris Dakas describe his and his wife Laura's calling to, their response to, and the fruit of their obedience as contemporary pioneers in this concept of ministry by 34 years of fruitfulness in the country of Albania.