
Life After Divorce

November 13, 2013 • Tim & Deb Geise

"The VOW"

November 24, 2013 • Pastors Josh & Marcia Payne

Stopping the Adultery Epidemic- Take 2

November 20, 2013 • Pastors Josh & Marcia Payne

Stopping the Adultery Epidemic

November 17, 2013 • Pastors Josh & Marcia Payne

It seems you can hardly turn on the TV without hearing of another sex scandal. From the White House to the neighbors house and maybe even your house, adultery has become an epidemic. An epidemic is defined as something that is affecting a large number of people in a community or region at the same time. Adultery is no respecter of persons; it takes down the rich and the poor, educated and the ignorant, saved and unsaved unlike fall victim to the power of seduction. Like a tornado, adultery leaves a wake of devastation and disappointment in its path. The good news is you do not have to become another statistic! Temptations will try to take you down and seduction will try to draw you away but we are more than conquerors through Christ! The Adultery Epidemic stops here, and it stops N.O.W!