
Compelled By Love

November 13, 2022 • Ps. Louis Els

This week we are looking at the sermon from Ps Louis entitled Compelled by Love. 

(See scriptures: ‭‭Jonah‬ ‭3‬:‭1‬-‭10‬ and ‭‭II Corinthians‬ ‭5‬:‭12‬-‭2)

We are made to be world-changers and difference-makers. We are made to dream. When we look at other people’s success stories of how their dream came to fruition, we marvel at the outcome - the final destination. But when we listen to what the journey was like (the struggle, the challenges, the sacrifices), suddenly it doesn’t seem that appealing anymore. We all have dreams and there is a price to pay. What is our motivation to keep going? What moves us to push through the struggles and the challenges? 

Our motivation cannot just be passion and excitement. We cannot just do good things because it is a good idea and we are excited about it at the moment. Our motivation needs to be love. We should be compelled by love for people. This love gives us the confidence and the determination to push passed all the challenges to see a greater outcome - a Kingdom outcome.  God doesn’t judge us or condemn us for the times we have tried to do things in our own strength or had our own agendas. Instead, He invites us into a space where His motivation becomes our motivation so that the result is Kingdom. God has a call for each one of us and the journey and the outcome may not be what we would expect. Will we stay true to His call, or shy away because it looks too difficult?

Let’s look at the example of Jonah. He ran from his call, similarly to us because normally the call from God is more than we can handle. But God invites us to do it alongside Him and to co-labour with Him so that it is not totally dependent on us. God is re-calling us in this season. He is giving us another chance to respond to His call. Perhaps this is a new call, or perhaps this is a call that we have disengaged from in the past because it was too difficult. Remember that when God calls us for a specific outcome, He’s got us in mind as much as He’s got them in mind. 


Are there areas in my life where I have disengaged because the outcome was not what I expected or wanted?


Has my motivation been love, or have there been times when I have just ‘hopped on the train’ because of excitement or passion? 

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