

Keep The Fire Burning

May 27, 2020

We are approaching the End of the Age and we are to be a Church in Splendor! We need to keep the fire burning for our soon returning bridegroom where the body is proportionate to the head. Remaining in a lifestyle of worship, prayer, intercession, fasting, and surrender before our Lord!

Revival Time

May 20, 2020

Revival is in the air! We content for nation reformation on a global level in this hour and continue in a place of prayer and intercession before the Lord. The ultimate comeback is here!

We Will Not Be Shaken

May 13, 2020

We continue to contend for the the turnaround and ultimate comeback of our nation. In the midst of adversity, we will not be shaken! For we are to stand bold as lions and remain steadfast before the Lord. Victory's mandate extends to the Southwest coastal region of Florida, America and the Nations. We love our city and region. Our quest is for personal revival, national awakening and generational reformation. We train, empower and release believers to take the kingdom culture to the world.