
The Beautiful Attitudes

A Study in The Beatitudes

Blessed Are The Persecuted

July 16, 2023 • Michael Graham • Matthew 5:1–12

Persecution is something that Christians in America have rarely experienced. It's not something we are accustomed to. But Jesus says that his people will live in a way that beckons persecution from a culture that stands against the things that God loves. What do we do when we are persecuted for our faith, whether in big ways or even small ones?

Blessed Are The Peacemakers

July 9, 2023 • Michael Graham • Matthew 5:9

Blessed are those who "make peace." This is what Jesus says. But what does this mean? What does it look like? And how does it show the heart of Christ in our life and relationships? Listen in to find out.

The Poor in Spirit

May 21, 2023 • Michael Graham • Matthew 5:1–3

The world looks for people who are strong, gifted, powerful, and wealthy – seeing them as the ones who are "blessed." Jesus turns the world upsidown when he destroys this way of thinking and says that in His eternal Kingdom, it is those who are "Poor in Spirit" who are blessed. What does it mean to be 'poor in spirit'? Listen to be encouraged.

Those Who Mourn

May 28, 2023 • Michael Graham • Matthew 5:4

The world seems to try to run and hide from grief, as well as people who are walking through it. Unlike the world, Jesus tells us that those who grieve ("mourn") in ways that show your heart for Jesus, are "blessed." We don't have to pretend grief in life isn't real or that it doesn't So what kinds of "grieving" bring glory to God and result in "Blessedness"? Listen, and find out.

The Meek

June 4, 2023 • Michael Graham • Matthew 5:5

We live in a "dog-eat-dog" world. Our world celebrates aggressive, pompous people who climb the ladder of success and influence through arrogance and pride. These are the kind of people who seem to advance in the world. But in the Beatitudes, Jesus makes a stunning statement. He says the ones who will advance in this world and in His Kingdom, will not be the loud, harsh, arrogant people who gain all the attention... but it will be the "meek" (the gentle). Learn how we are called to be bold warriors, who conquer in gentleness. These kinds of people turn the world upside down.

Hunger & Thirst for Righteousness

June 11, 2023 • Michael Graham • Matthew 5:6

Every human heart on earth lives daily being driven by cravings and desires of every kind. Cravings can propel you forward in life to reach "goals," make changes, and do good things. But in every heart their are deeper darker cravings that always try to lead us astray, away from God and our purpose, and into chaos leading to destruction. In Matthew 5:6 Jesus says "Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied." Jesus will unfold to us what new hearts, saved by grace truly begin to crave. But how can we grow in this? Listen and find out.

The Merciful

June 18, 2023 • Michael Graham • Matthew 5:7

One of the things that this world lacks most is Mercy. God says that people who have experienced God's mercy through Christ will be the ones who grow in showing mercy to others. The battle against bitterness, and the battle to forgive others who have wronged us is a hard one fought. But Jesus says that it is a battle that true Christians will engage in, and grow in. Learn how mercy shows up in our life.

The Pure in Heart

June 25, 2023 • Michael Graham • Matthew 5:8

Purity is often something so many people cringe to think of. It is also usually limited to thinking "pure in mind" as it relates to sexual temptation. But when Jesus says, "Blessed are the pure in heart..." he has something so mch bigger in mind. Learn what defines purity, how to pursue it, and how to have hope as we fall short.