
I Got Issues

God's Real Love for Broken People

I Got Weakness

December 3, 2023 • Michael Graham • 2 Corinthians 12:1–10

We are all beset with various forms of weakness in our life. Weakness is mocked and looked down on by our culture, while strength, might, and will power dominate as traits "everyone should pursue." But is that Biblical? Encourage your heart as you hear about God's intentions with our weaknesses, and learn how God uses them for his glory.

I Got Shame

November 5, 2023 • Michael Graham • John 4

Shame can be one of the most crippling things we have to feel and experience in life. Shame comes in many different forms. But what does Jesus want to do with our shame? Learn about the hope you can have, and what God can do to those who feel crippled by shame, in big ways or even small ones.

I Got Doubt

November 19, 2023 • Michael Graham • John 20

Everyone will wrestle with various forms of doubt in their life. Even Believers do. Learn about god's heart toward those who wrestle with doubt, and the hope that can be found when you bring your doubts to God.

I Got Fear & Anxiety

November 12, 2023 • Michael Graham • Matthew 6:25–34

Fear and Anxiety are issues that are on the rise like wild-fire. More people than ever before are dealing with the life-altering realities of fear and anxiety. Jesus has answers. Learn from God's Word how Jesus wants to help you with fear and anxiety in your life.