
"The Tents We Live In"

October 1, 2023 • Brad Parkhurst • 2 Corinthians 5:1–10

These bodies we live in now are not our permanent homes. God has prepared an eternal home for us with eternal bodies where those who are in Jesus will be with Him forever. We can either spend our lives working hard toward that reality, or completely waste them on things that will never matter in the long run. The choice is ours.


2 Corinthians is arguably the most heartfelt, emotional letter we have from the Apostle Paul. As he writes to his friends in Corinth and addresses some of the challenges they're facing, he encourages them to embrace the life that Jesus modeled. Christians, originally known as "followers of the Way", are empowered by the Holy Spirit to take on a new way of living, one that draws strength from weakness, humility, and generosity.