
"King of All Nations"

February 18, 2024 • Cameron Parkhurst

If nothing changes, there are 3.4 billion people in the world who will live their whole lives and die never even having the opportunity to hear about what Jesus has done for them and be saved. 3.4 billion souls who lack access to the one message that can save them from eternal suffering. Not all of us will end up going to them physically, but we ALL have a responsibility to pray + give to see the good news reach ALL NATIONS.

GO //

Scripture is clear: God desires for ALL people to hear, receive, and rejoice in the good news of His great love for them in Jesus! Our church is not just a gathering place, it’s a sending ground. We are sent, in the power & authority of the Holy Spirit, to GO to our families, to our jobs, to our community, and to the nations, to deliver the good news & raise up disciples who make disciples.

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