
#4: "Search Me And Know Me."

July 2, 2023 • Brad Parkhurst • Psalm 139

God has always been after full, unobstructed love-relationship with us. Sadly, we all have chosen not to trust and obey Him, resulting in the sin-filled, broken world we live in. Now through the blood of JESUS, our sin has been paid for and we can be restored to relationship with the Father! When we learn to bring our sin into the light with others and with God, we find the fullness of healing that He so desperately wants us to live in.

PRAY. //

We were made for connection with God. Since relationship with God is why we are alive, it would stand to reason that talking with Him would be an absolutely vital practice for our day-to-day. A flourishing prayer life leads to greater dependence on God, a daily experience of our union with Jesus, miracles breaking out in the world around us, and more!

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