Three major objections from Muslims to Christianity are 1) The incoherence of the Incarnation. 2) The incoherence of the Trinity. 3) The corruption of the scriptures. This lecture will answer these objections, and then provide the reasons that these doctrines are foundational to the Christian faith.
God and Allah: Are They the Same?
March 20, 2015 • Kevin Staley
There are many who think that the God of Islam is the same as the God of Christianity. Dr. Staley discusses the reasons why the God of the Qu'ran and the God of the Bible cannot be the same. This is an excellent beginner talk for individuals looking to learn some of the basic differences in Islamic and Christian Theologies.
What is Jihad? Are there different types of Jihad within Islam? What purpose does it serve within Islam?
What is ISIS and What do They Really Want?
ISIS is appearing regularly in news outlets around the world. What is ISIS? Is it related to Islam? What do they want?
Responding to Islamic Beliefs about Christianity
What are some of the popular misunderstandings that Muslims have about Christianity? What are some of the hurdles that keep Muslims from believing in Jesus Christ? This lecture will address these types of questions and further equip for the increasing controversy surrounding Islamic beliefs and Christianity.
Textual Criticism and The Quranic Manuscripts
March 20, 2015
The Bible has been subjected to hundreds of years of textual criticism, but the Qu'ran has only recently been subjected to the same historical and textual criticism. In this talk you will hear a leading researcher discussing the latest textual criticism on the Qu'ran and some difficult questions that arise as a result of the latest evidence that has been discovered.
Christianity and Islam: Essentially The Same?
Understanding opposing religions is one of the first steps in forming a relevant reason for the hope that you have. In this talk listeners will be given basic distinctions in the religions of Christianity and Islam. This is a great talk to begin your understanding of the Islamic religion and the truthfulness of Christianity.
Evangelical Mission and Movements among Muslims
What is God doing amongst the Islamic community? How should we as Christians overcome Islamophobia and ensure that we are taking the Gospel to all peoples? In this talk you learn some of the basics about evangelism to Muslims.
Myths of Early Islam
March 20, 2015
What is the historical evidence for the Religion of Islam? How are we supposed to understand the earliest biographies of Muhammad? In order to understand a religion we must read about the founders of those religions. In this talk, listeners will learn about the traditional view of Islam and the sayings of Muhammad, the Historical development of Islam, and the views of non-Muslims during the rise of Islam. A must listen for those trying to understand the history of Islam.
Answering Objections from Muslims
March 20, 2015
What are some of the objections that Muslims make against Christianity? How can Christians make intelligent observations and provide cogent answers to the objections that Muslims raise against Christians. This talk is important as today's media regularly misunderstands both Christianity and Islam, as well as, the objections these two world-religions raise against each other.
The Nation of Islam
What is the Nation of Islam? Who is Malcolm X? What is its relationship with the Religion of Islam?
Defending the Faithful- An Apology for the Crusades
March 20, 2015 • Alan Di Dinato
One of the most popular reactions to Christians discussing the dangers of Islam is "What about the Crusades?" What would your response be?
Conversational Evangelism to Muslims
March 20, 2015
Have you struggled to share your faith in a genuine way? This lecture outlines how to share your faith in an effective and heartfelt way. Often times nerves or fear of how our message will be received can disrupt our delivery. This talk applies principles of conversation and combines them with a unique method of evangelism for discussions with unbelievers.
Women and Identity- A reflection of Allah or Yahweh
Antagonists of religions will often point to the treatment of women by a religion as grounds for its acceptance, rejection, or reform. Surprisingly, with all of the discussion of Islam in the news, there has been little discussion on the treatment of women in Islam. Cynthia, will provide a summary of the way Women are treated in Islam and the religious reasons for this treatment.
Doing Evangelism Amongst Muslims
Many individuals feel that evangelism is difficult, but evangelism to Muslims is impossible. How difficult is it to share the Gospel with Muslims? What concerns us most in any evangelism? This was an interactive lecture that aims to stifle the fears of sharing your faith with Muslims.