
Myths of Early Islam

March 20, 2015

What is the historical evidence for the Religion of Islam? How are we supposed to understand the earliest biographies of Muhammad? In order to understand a religion we must read about the founders of those religions. In this talk, listeners will learn about the traditional view of Islam and the sayings of Muhammad, the Historical development of Islam, and the views of non-Muslims during the rise of Islam. A must listen for those trying to understand the history of Islam.

The Incarnation, The Trinity, and The Scriptures.

Three major objections from Muslims to Christianity are 1) The incoherence of the Incarnation. 2) The incoherence of the Trinity. 3) The corruption of the scriptures. This lecture will answer these objections, and then provide the reasons that these doctrines are foundational to the Christian faith.

God and Allah: Are They the Same?

March 20, 2015 • Kevin Staley

There are many who think that the God of Islam is the same as the God of Christianity. Dr. Staley discusses the reasons why the God of the Qu'ran and the God of the Bible cannot be the same. This is an excellent beginner talk for individuals looking to learn some of the basic differences in Islamic and Christian Theologies.


What is Jihad? Are there different types of Jihad within Islam? What purpose does it serve within Islam?