
Pastors Unfiltered #78: Jesus for Mormons

November 8, 2024

Welcome to another episode of Pastors Unfiltered! In this episode, Pastor Brandon and Pastor Tony Interview Kai Van Leuven, a previous mormon, about his podcast Jesus for Mormons. Remember to like, subscribe, and share with your friends!

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00:00 - Intro and Sponsors

04:00 - Live Podcast Review

05:27 - Venture 20th Anniversary

08:43 - Kai's Introduction

10:40 - Faithful 200

19:50 - Election Results

26:03 - Jesus for Mormons Podcast

31:20 - Why it grew so quickly?

33:02 - How long its been since being in the Mormon church?

34:40 - Mormon TV Show

37:03 - Mormon Rules/ Expectations

46:11 - Future of Jesus for Mormons?

49:26 - Any Pushback?

50:43 - What is Marriage like as a Mormon vs as a Christian?

52:15 - Message for Pastors

53:38 - Outro