
Intro to Exodus

June 4, 2023 • Brian Alaman • Exodus 1:8–14, Genesis 47:5–6, Exodus 2:1–10, Exodus 3:7—4:13

Do you have a list of reasons you are not qualified to be used by God?

What might God's response to your list of reasons be?

What are you going through right now that you are asking God to get you out of?

A garden, a tent, a building, and a body!

July 30, 2023 • Whitt Jones • Revelation 21:3, Exodus 25:2–9

God isn't just trying to fix man's problems. He clearly wants to dwell with us. Sin always takes you farther than you want to go, and costs more than you want to pay. No one drifts to holiness. Instead we drift to sin. God wants to dwell with us. What would it look like for you to dwell with God in your daily life?

The golden calf incident

July 23, 2023 • Brian Alaman • Exodus 32, Romans 1:21–25, Matthew 6:33

An idol is anything or anyone that captures our hearts, minds, and affections more than God. How do we identify idols? -What leads and guides our decisions? -What do we run to for comfort, guidance, and value? Are we willing to sin to get it? We can take a good thing and make it a "god" thing and that's a bad thing.

The 10 commandments

July 16, 2023 • Brian Alaman • Exodus 19:1–9, Exodus 19:16–19, Exodus 20:1–21, John 14:21, Psalm 119:1–7

Transformation: When our behavior is transformed as a result of our love for God. Behavior modification: When we change our actions but our heart stays the same. God sets them free and THEN gives them the law to protect that freedom. What law do you need to work on being more obedient to?