
You Are Beloved

January 16, 2022 • Revs. Erin & Matt McPhee • Luke 3:21–22, Isaiah 43:1–7, Luke 3:15–17

The Baptism of Christ affirms Jesus' belovedness as the Son of God and the Word made Flesh, as well as our belovedness as ones created in God's image. The affirmation of Jesus' belovedness led him to begin his ministry. How do you feel called to respond?

Transfiguration Sunday

February 27, 2022 • Rev. Matt McPhee • Luke 9:28–36

Throughout this series we have been following God’s leading by trusting our identity in Christ and following where He leads. This week, three disciples go with Jesus into an unexpected situation, and through prayer and careful attention, they are able to witness and participate in what God is doing. They don’t understand everything that is happening, just as we don’t always understand all that God is calling us to do, but through prayer and accountable discipleship we will find our way through the coming changes together.

Go Do Good

February 20, 2022 • Revs. Erin & Matt McPhee • Luke 6:27–38

We are blessed by God's forgiveness and mercy, and we called to respond by doing good, even for those who are hard to love. What does that look like in our day to day lives?

You Are Blessed

February 13, 2022 • Revs. Erin & Matt McPhee • Luke 6:17–26

In Luke’s version of the Beatitudes, we hear that God has a clear preference for the poor, sick, and oppressed. This is the fulfillment, in the flesh, of Jesus’s preaching in the temple in Luke 4, and a message that all of us need to hear on our hardest days. It is an affirmation of everyone’s sacred personhood, and a call to serve a cause that is beyond ourselves.