LBGTQ+: Help Me Understand

March 1, 2025
9:00am - 3:00pm
79 spots remaining

Registration is required. The $10 registration fee includes lunch. The deadline is February 24. 

Located in Naar Hall at Venice United Church of Christ, this workshop is designed to provide a safe, welcoming environment for all of us to listen and learn. Area clergy will present their religious perspectives, clearly define the meaning of all the letters we see in LGBTQ+ literature, and moderate a diverse panel discussion with six individuals who have graciously agreed to share their stories with us and answer questions.

Program Schedule:

The Morning Session:

8:45: Coffee, water & light refreshments available

9:00: Welcome and Overview by Pastor John

9:15: Session 1: "Understanding the Alphabet" (LBGTQ) - presented by Rev. Angela Wells-Bean

10:30: Break

10:45: Session 2: "There's More to This Than You Know" - presented by Rev. Dr. Nancy Wilson, Pastor at SMCC.

This presentation contains positive images from scripture regarding LBGTQ+ issues. Pastor John will assist and join in appropriately.

12:00: LUNCH and conversation at tables.

The Afternoon Session:

12:45: Introduction of panelists; Pastor John moderating.

1:00: Session 3: "Tell Us Your Story: A Safe Space to Share"

Three to five people from our community have offered to share their experiences.

2:30: PANEL Wrap-up, Q&A, time to meet with panelists individually, etc.

There will be opportunity for questions and small group discussion.

The workshop should end by 3:00pm.