
What, Exactly...?

What is The Lord's Supper?

October 25, 2015 • Pastor Jason Ogden

Jewish culture. Jesus places himself at the center of the meal and reveals to us that he is the true and better Passover Lamb. He is the Lamb of God who whose body broken and blood shed takes away the sins of the world. It is through this meal that Jesus reveals to us just how wonderful he is and how desperately we need to be reminded regularly of his grace.

Stewardship: A Missional R.O.I.

October 11, 2015 • Pastor Patrick Bowler

The Master wants to see a positive return on his investment (a missional R.O.I.). The bottom line for our church is not how much money is in the bank, but how many disciples we are making…that’s how our stewardship is measured.

A Sermon: The Gospel Announced and Appropriated

September 27, 2015 • Pastor Patrick Bowler

Acts 2:14-41 “A Sermon: The Gospel Announced and Appropriated” Pastor Patrick Bowler 9-27-2015 A sermon is a particular message heralding something very specific… the gospel of Jesus Christ. When it comes to the gospel, there are things we cannot add, alter, or omit. We talk about who God is. We talk about who we are. We talk about sin and a fallen world. And then we talk about Jesus, the hero of the story.

It’s A Race. It’s Gonna Hurt.

September 13, 2015 • Pastor Patrick Bowler

How are you http://doing...really doing? Are you going to make it or will you break? When Jesus saw his disciples making headway painfully in the storm, he went out to meet them…walking on water. He is there for you as well, helping you run in such a way that you can finish this race.

Relationship and the Mission of God

August 30, 2015 • Pastor Patrick Bowler

A Disciple Is…

August 16, 2015 • Pastor Patrick Bowler

So Good. Can I Have Seconds?

August 9, 2015 • Pastor Patrick Bowler

What Is The Church?

August 2, 2015 • Pastor Patrick Bowler