
The 2% Rule

1st Timothy 4:1-16

March 1, 2015 • Pastor Patrick Bowler

They say that 2% change goes unnoticed, but repeated enough times, there is a dramatic difference. Churches change over time, moving between a liberal gospel-less mission and a fundamentalist mission-less “gospel.” The drift is from one distortion of the gospel to the other…a little at a time. The true gospel is the restoring force we need…it does not make any 2% adjustments.

More from 1 Timothy

Guard The Deposit

June 14, 2015 • Pastor Patrick Bowler

Paul’s closing words to Timothy were quite fitting and they must serve as our marching orders as well. 1 - “Flee…” things like the pursuit of money, false doctrine, sexual immorality, etc. 2 - “Pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, steadfastness, gentleness.” 3 - “Fight the good fight…” Endure. Persevere. Remember those who have gone before you, like Paul, Timothy, Peter, and others. 4 - “Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called.” In other words, “Guard the deposit.”

Godliness as a Means of Gain, Not A Means of Gain

June 7, 2015 • Pastor Patrick Bowler

The church is to be the pillar and buttress of the truth, not the one that surrenders the truth. If we as a church, or as individuals, move away from the gospel, things begin to unravel and we lose our way. Godliness with contentment, however, is a great means of gain because it has Jesus and not us at the center, and Jesus is the Truth.

What Gospel Are You Wearing?

May 24, 2015 • Pastor Patrick Bowler

Whatever situation you are in, how you conduct yourself matters. Does your conduct promote the Gospel? Does it make Jesus look good? Does it really love people?