
Nothing But Leaves!

Mark 11:12-26

March 30, 2014 • Pastor Patrick Bowler

Jesus' cursing of the fig tree was a prophetic action, it was a picture of judgment to come. He was deeply moved by that fact that the temple, instead of being a place of access to God, had become a place of exclusion for the gentiles. Jesus' actions weren't to cleanse the temple, but to shut it down.

What’s It Going To Be?

July 13, 2014 • Pastor Patrick Bowler

There is no passive position when it comes to Jesus, you accept him or reject him. Mark wants his audience to see Jesus as he really is and then face the decision…"What's it going to be?"


July 6, 2014 • Pastor Jason Ogden

There are two gospels waging war at the foot of the cross. The false gospel says, "Save yourself and come down from the cross." In the true gospel, Jesus became sin on our behalf, took God's wrath and became a substitute for the punishment we deserved. The greatest thing Jesus did was to stay on the cross.

All Packed?

June 29, 2014 • Pastor Patrick Bowler

How many of us are “packed” for the trip…for the right trip? We’re often so ready to stand up and claim allegiance to Christ as a disciple, but often totally unprepared for the actually trip. We've got all the wrong things packed, and it’s not going to work…that’s not what it means to be a disciple.