
Slavery Reparations 4 Black Descendant[s]

"Fools Mock At Reparations, there is favor among the Upright" [Proverbs 14:9]

Slavery Reparation[s] - 04-11-23

April 11, 2023 • Louis Felicia Dixon Numan • Proverbs 14:9

We Continue to Discuss the Medical Kidnapping of our daughter, E'yona Nikia Numan, from Havenwyck (wicked) Hospital, in Auburn Hills, MI when she was 13 years old. This happened to us five to six years ago in Detroit, MI and this was done by the homosexual community under the Administration of Donald J. Trump and it started with lame duck president—Barack Obama. This took place with CPS and Havenwyck[wicked] Hospital, Auburn Hills, MI.   We Also Discussed The Following: George Washington [1st Potus}; Abraham Lincoln [16th Potus] Descendants R Due Slavery Reparations;   We As Black People need Slavery Reparations to enjoy our interest in the country WE built; Heaven On Earth --- Bad & Evil Gotta Go!!!;   Donald J. Trump don't care about Black people because he hates himself, NOR his kind;   Caucasion People think putting Black Faces In High Places gives them the authority to continue with this evil;   God is Not Coming - Nor has God Left-God is here now;   The New World Order is a New Heaven & A New Earth;   Create Your Own World because this World belongs to God & God's People;   U can't tell the difference between DEM & GOP;   Caucasion Peps states Slavery Reparations Is A Scam;   Reparations Is A Scam - Reparations will divide the country -Horace Cooper;   Is Slavery A Scam?;   What was d color of the peps who received $3 Trillion?;   A woman has a p***y, NOT A prostate;   People with money promoting homosexuality through d Criminal Justice Systems against Blacks; Amerikkka is known as a Country of Child Molesters';   Mutilation, Castration of our young children is an Abomination and Slavery;   Caucasion People R Self -Haters who taught us this learned behavior---;   The Honorable Elijah Muhammed Should be a Part of Black History taught to black & white students;   We Pray To God about the Devil Preying on our little ones about trans aka homosexuality;   Caucasion People are walking On The Graves of Brave Comrades;   We Got One Party; God[less];   It is terrible to b a homosexual, but what is worse u want to be known as a homo;   Minister Louis discussed how he was drafted in the 70s to fight Anti-Christ;   #Potus Biden wants you 2 affirm your child's confused gender aka homosexuality;   Contact Information:   Twitter: @ServeRChildren Twitter:@PoliticalJust Twitter: @uscogi Facebook: louisfelicianuman Facebook: @ServeRChildren Facebook: @1PoliticalJustice Facebook: @uscogi Twitter:    @LoveURSelf72 Twitter:    @NuclearFam1 Twitter:    @PayURDebtt Email: mailto:1politicaljustice@gmail.com Website: http://www.uscog.org/ Email: mailto:uscogi@gmail.com Phone: [260] 267-3831, [725]274-3199 Email: mailto:lfnumanphd@gmail.com Paypal: http://paypal.me/uscog The Now Network Tuesday Morning(s) 1:30 a.m. https://www.thenownetwork.org/uscoghttp://www.thenownetwork.org/uscog mailto:1politicaljustice@gmail.com Now Network: Tuesdays Mornings 1:30 a.m   Get App: https://get.theapp.co/rddc?fbclid=iwar1xofz6ti10mqqqm_qmvomdfapwzxdkhxvkik46frzog8utfvamckzacsa

Reparations Is TRUE Repentance - 04-04-23

April 4, 2023 • Louis Felicia Dixon Numan • Proverbs 14:9

Our values come from the Bible (Old and New Testament); We are Advocates of Social Justice cause(s) and to be more specific we are calling for Reparations for the Black Descendants of Slaves, Rehabbing the Criminal Justice Systems (the current system is systemically racist against black and brown people), Child Protection Services should be torn down because they are the real Child Abusers in this Country. We Continue to Discuss the Medical Kidnapping of our daughter, E'yona Nikia Numan, from Havenwyck (wicked) Hospital, in Auburn Hills, MI when she was 13 years old. This happened to us five to six years ago in Detroit, MI and this was done by the homosexual community under the Administration of Donald J. Trump and it started with lame duck president—Barack Obama. This took place with CPS and Havenwyck Hospital, Auburn Hills, MI.   We Also Discussed The Following:   The Silver lining in this Cloud;   Caucasion People Always reference Dr Martin L King as the "dreamer", "Judge a Person based on Character and not skin color, however Dr. King stated Two Months before his Assassination -- "We Are Coming To Get Our Check". Dr. Martin L. King also stated the following:  “At the very same time that America refused to give the Negro any land, through an act of Congress, our government was giving away millions of acres of land in the West and the mid-West, which meant that it was willing to undergird its white peasants from Europe with an economic floor. “But not only did they give the land, they built land grant colleges with government money to teach them how to farm. Not only that, they provided county agents to further their expertise in farming. Not only that, they provided low interest rates in order that they could mechanize their farms. Not only that, today many of these people are receiving millions of dollars in federal subsidies not to farm. “And they are the very people telling the black man that he ought to lift himself by his own bootstraps. And this is what we are faced with. Now this is the reality. Now when we come to Washington, in this campaign, we are coming to get our check.”;   Donald J. Trump don't care about Black people because he hates himself, NOR his kind;   Caucasion People think putting Black Faces In High Places gives them the authority to continue with this evil;   God is Not Coming - Nor has God Left-God is here now;   The New World Order is a New Heaven & A New Earth;   Create Your Own World because this World belongs to God & God's People;   U can't tell the difference between DEM & GOP;   Caucasion Peps states Slavery Reparations Is A Scam;   Reparations Is A Scam - Reparations will divide the country -Horace Cooper;   Is Slavery A Scam?;   What was d color of the peps who received $3 Trillion?;   A woman has a p***y, NOT A prostate;   Black peps always have a Disadvantage in Amerikkka;     Contact Information:   Twitter: @ServeRChildren Twitter:@PoliticalJust Twitter: @uscogi Facebook: louisfelicianuman Facebook: @ServeRChildren Facebook: @1PoliticalJustice Facebook: @uscogi Twitter:    @LoveURSelf72 Twitter:    @NuclearFam1 Twitter:    @PayURDebtt Email: mailto:1politicaljustice@gmail.com Website: http://www.uscog.org Email: mailto:uscogi@gmail.com Phone: [260] 267-3831, [725]274-3199 Email: mailto:lfnumanphd@gmail.com Paypal: http://paypal.me/uscog The Now Network Tuesday Morning(s) 1:30 a.m. https://www.thenownetwork.org/uscoghttp://www.thenownetwork.org/uscog mailto:1politicaljustice@gmail.com Now Network: Tuesdays Mornings 1:30 a.m   Get App: https://get.theapp.co/rddc?fbclid=iwar1xofz6ti10mqqqm_qmvomdfapwzxdkhxvkik46frzog8utfvamckzacsa    

It’s Our Time - Slavery Reparation[s] 4 Black Phoak [s]

March 28, 2023 • Louis Felicia Dixon Numan

Our values come from the Bible (Old and New Testament); We are Advocates of Social Justice cause(s) and to be more specific we are calling for Reparations for the Black Descendants of Slaves, Rehabbing the Criminal Justice Systems (the current system is systemically racist against black and brown people), Child Protection Services should be torn down because they are the real Child Abusers in this Country. We Continue to Discuss the Medical Kidnapping of our daughter, E'yona Nikia Numan, from Havenwyck (wicked) Hospital, in Auburn Hills, MI when she was 13 years old. This happened to us five to six years ago in Detroit, MI and this was done by the homosexual community under the Administration of Donald J. Trump and it started with lame duck president—Barack Obama. This took place with CPS and Havenwyck Hospital, Auburn Hills, MI.   Original, True, Divine Love is between a heterosexual man and woman. Now the Government has decided that this type of love that was ordained by God can exist between same sex (two men adopting a child). Today we will continue to discuss and concentrate on Marriage/Family and how the Government has destroyed it through legislative policies. The Government has stated through its subsidiaries that "The Black Nuclear Family Was A Mistake". Potus Biden states that parents need to affirm their child's gender... In Other words, if your boy wants to be a girl and vise versa you are to obey and agree. The Government Is agreeing with homosexuality of our children through molestation, castration, brutalizing our little who are the most vulnerable.  Hands Off Our Children, Government.   The United States Government has yet to compensate descendants of enslaved Black Americans for their labor. Reparations for Black Americans should be limited to people whose forbears were kidnapped from their homeland, stripped of their ancestry and left with nothing after generations of forced labor. Nor has the federal government atoned for the lost equity from anti-Black housing, transportation, large wealth disparities, healthcare, and business policy. Slavery, Jim Crow segregation, anti-Black practices like redlining, using Child Protections Services to destroy Black Nuclear Christian Home and other discriminatory public policies. In the criminal justice and education system we have been robbed as Black Americans of the opportunities to build wealth (defined as assets minus debt) afforded to their white peers due to ongoing Injustice. Recessions impact everyone, but wealth is distributed quite unevenly in the U.S. and whites with their minion blacks on the media always proudly state “This will only affect the black community” and on the other end they are stating we don’t need reparations.                                               The whole bible is about Right (Justice-God) and Wrong (Injustice-Devil).There are clearest predecessor programs that were set up by Germany to compensate victims of the Holocaust, by South Africa to compensate victims of apartheid, by the US to compensate victims of Japanese internment during World War II, by the state of North Carolina to compensate victims of its forced sterilization programs in the mid-20th century, by the federal government to compensate victims of the Tuskegee experiment, and by Florida to compensate victims of the Rosewood race riot of 1923. The federal government even paid slave owners reparations for losing their property (Black People).   On April 16, 1862, the District of Columbia Compensated Emancipation Act became law. Pause for a minute to consider how much compensation would have been offered to the people who suffered torture and other human rights abuses and whose labor and families were stolen for generations. The answer is zero. The federal government compensated the “owners” of enslaved people for their “loss of property.” The people who were freed were not compensated, nor given any assistance for the transition to their freedom. Emancipation Day is an official holiday in Washington, D.C.   This is as shameful as slavery itself and to not atone for past sins because this county have discovered a more professional way to "lynch" black people with other black people in positions. We Also talked about the following: No Uproar or Convo about d $3 Trillion Robbed by Donald J. Trump Administration mascaraed as taxes which outputted to cash under the Administration of Donald J. Trump [No Uproar]; Theft of Billions of $$$ In "Pandemic" Relief - No Outcry - Criteria was to not have a Criminal Record [hint]….. [No Uproar]; A Plethora of Reparations r due 2 Black Phoaks by "Right" folks and they r as follow[s]: Draft[ing] Vietnam Veterans [mostly black men] under the disguise of fighting against Communism while "Right" boys were sent to Paris and Canada---No u state there is no Jesus Christ;   The 1994 Crime Bill Fed the Mass Incarceration Crisis and destroying the Nuclear Family;   Passed in 1997, with broad bipartisan support, the Adoption and Safe Families Act (ASFA) was designed to be a response to children languishing in foster care, bouncing between different placements. ASFA further shaped the child welfare system into one that disproportionately targets poor families and families of color, who face excess investigations, child removal, and foster care placements, which can culminate in the termination of parental rights. Termination of parental rights, often termed the “civil death penalty” for families, is shockingly common. An estimated 1 in 100 children will experience this parental loss. Termination of parental rights creates a new category of dependent children, https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahukewjjyqq1pkr7ahvxmokehq41d0sqfnoecbmqaq&url=https%3a%2f%2fwww.seattlepi.com%2fnational%2farticle%2flaw-to-increase-adoptions-results-in-more-orphans-1163211.php&usg=aovvaw2uffdtdpbnd0qmyit-xmwf: children who no longer have parents, as their parents had their parental rights terminated, but they also have not been adopted, and might never be. War ON Drugs - Decriminalized drugs that put black men in jail and ruined their "records"   The Civil Rights Act of 1968 was a landmark law in the United States signed into law by United States President Lyndon B. Johnson provided an avenue for equal housing opportunities regardless of race, creed or national origin and made it a federal crime to "by force or by threat of force, injure, intimidate, or interfere with anyone … by reason of their race, color, religion or national origin. This laws has not been enforced for black people and families and created harm and everyone that was harmed need reparations;   The school-to-prison pipeline refers to practices and policies that disproportionately place students of color into the criminal justice system. The biased application of harsh disciplinary measures and overuse of referrals to law enforcement contribute to the problem, setting up vulnerable students for failure and ignoring the underlying causes. School 2 Prison Pipeline led to young black men not have high schools diplomas and our young black women with teenage pregnancies;   Chloe Cole should have his own television show; "Right" people are responsible because majority rule; "Right" people choose 2 start the Vietnam War instead of main streaming "black phoaks"; Black Phoaks R targeted @ every level; "Right" pep have become a part of d project they designed 4 us; lies    We need a heterosexual Man of God As #Potus; Death is a Blessing to Civilized Men & Women of God; Ex DA Michael Wayne Jackson charged us with Burglary 3rd on a house we were managing as Real Estate Brokers and he charged us along with the white homosexuals as RE Burglars; We don’t want God to see us supporting homosexuality, especially among children;     We the descendants of Black Slaves have not been paid Slavery Reparations, but our slave owners have been paid since April 16, 1862 because they “lost” their property (US—Black Slaves).     Contact Information:   Twitter: @ServeRChildren Twitter:@PoliticalJust Twitter: @uscogi Facebook: louisfelicianuman Facebook: @ServeRChildren Facebook: @1PoliticalJustice Facebook: @uscogi Twitter:    @LoveURSelf72 Twitter:    @NuclearFam1 Twitter:    @PayURDebtt Email: mailto:1politicaljustice@gmail.com Website: http://www.uscog.org Email: mailto:uscogi@gmail.com Phone: [260] 267-3831, [725]274-3199 Email: mailto:lfnumanphd@gmail.com Paypal: http://paypal.me/uscog The Now Network Tuesday Morning(s) 1:30 a.m. https://www.thenownetwork.org/uscoghttp://www.thenownetwork.org/uscog mailto:1politicaljustice@gmail.com Now Network: Tuesdays Mornings 1:30 a.m   Get App: https://get.theapp.co/rddc?fbclid=iwar1xofz6ti10mqqqm_qmvomdfapwzxdkhxvkik46frzog8utfvamckzacsa  

Pay UR Debt - Part 2

March 21, 2023 • Louis Felicia Dixon Numan • Proverbs 14:9

We Continue to Discuss the Medical Kidnapping of our daughter, E'yona Nikia Numan, from Havenwyck (wicked) Hospital, in Auburn Hills, MI when she was 13 years old. This happened to us five to six years ago in Detroit, MI and this was done by the homosexual community under the Administration of Donald J. Trump and it started with lame duck president—Barack Obama. This took place with CPS and Havenwyck Hospital, Auburn Hills, MI.   We Also Discussed The Following:   Kayleigh McEnany stated that Slavery Reparations is a handout---We beg to Differ - He are what we consider handout[s] $3 Trillion disguised as taxes is really cash money for DJT base; Tampons in the Boys' bathroom; Gender Affirmative Care; Right [White] man got paid in 1862 for losing property; Secret Gender Closets; Drag Queen Story Hour; White [Right} Man is A Woman; Slave Master got paid 4 losing their property [black people];   Pay D Numan Lawsuit 4 Medical Kidnapping their daughter; The Only Option is Biden vs. Trump; Old Mississippi vs. New Mississippi ----We don't need NO Mississippi; We need our Reparations and Lawsuit Paid; Biggest Problem --White [Right] man wants 2 B A Woman and we r suppose to pretend he is and forget about reparations;   As we continue to say here at USCOG--"Our Children Are Our Legacy"...   We the descendants of Black Slaves have not been paid Reparations, but our slave owners have been paid since April 16, 1862 because they “lost” their property (US—Black Slaves).     Contact Information:   Twitter: @ServeRChildren Twitter:@PoliticalJust Twitter: @uscogi Facebook: louisfelicianuman Facebook: @ServeRChildren Facebook: @1PoliticalJustice Facebook: @uscogi Twitter:    @LoveURSelf72 Twitter:    @NuclearFam1 Twitter:    @PayURDebtt Email: mailto:1politicaljustice@gmail.com Website: http://www.uscog.org Email: mailto:uscogi@gmail.com Phone: [260] 267-3831, [725]274-3199 Email: mailto:lfnumanphd@gmail.com Paypal: http://paypal.me/uscog The Now Network Tuesday Morning(s) 1:30 a.m. https://www.thenownetwork.org/uscoghttp://www.thenownetwork.org/uscog mailto:1politicaljustice@gmail.com Now Network: Tuesdays Mornings 1:30 a.m   Get App: https://get.theapp.co/rddc?fbclid=iwar1xofz6ti10mqqqm_qmvomdfapwzxdkhxvkik46frzog8utfvamckzacsa

Reparation [s] 4 Separation [s]

March 14, 2023 • Louis Felicia Dixon Numan

We Continue to Discuss the Medical Kidnapping of our daughter, E'yona Nikia Numan, from Havenwyck (wicked) Hospital, in Auburn Hills, MI when she was 13 years old. This happened to us five to six years ago in Detroit, MI and this was done by the homosexual community under the Administration of Donald J. Trump and it started with lame duck president—Barack Obama. This took place with CPS and Havenwyck[wicked] Hospital, Auburn Hills, MI.   We Also Discussed The Following:   Caucasion People Always reference Dr Martin L King as the "dreamer", "Judge a Person based on Character and not skin color, however Dr. King stated Two Months before his Assassination -- "We Are Coming To Get Our Check". Dr. Martin L. King also stated the following:  “At the very same time that America refused to give the Negro any land, through an act of Congress, our government was giving away millions of acres of land in the West and the mid-West, which meant that it was willing to undergird its white peasants from Europe with an economic floor. “But not only did they give the land, they built land grant colleges with government money to teach them how to farm. Not only that, they provided county agents to further their expertise in farming. Not only that, they provided low interest rates in order that they could mechanize their farms. Not only that, today many of these people are receiving millions of dollars in federal subsidies not to farm. “And they are the very people telling the black man that he ought to lift himself by his own bootstraps. And this is what we are faced with. Now this is the reality. Now when we come to Washington, in this campaign, we are coming to get our check.”     Black People deserved a Black President that was reared and raised by Black Descendants of Slaves; We formed, founded, 501 c 3 Church in Selma, AL and couldn't get it funded or in operation; Minister Louis discussed how he remembered when living in Selma, AL they had black & white facilities; Caucasion People think putting Black Faces In High Places gives them the authority to continue with this evil; God is Not Coming - Nor has God Left-God is here now; The New World Order is a New Heaven & A New Earth; Create Your Own World because this World belongs to God & God's People; U can't tell the difference between DEM & GOP; Chloe Cole U rather come up and waste money on "fake" genders, rather than pay Slavery Reparations to the Descendants of Black Slaves; We R still enduring ongoing current Discrimination;     We the descendants of Black Slaves have not been paid Slavery Reparations, but our slave owners have been paid since April 16, 1862 because they “lost” their property (US—Black Slaves).   Contact:   Twitter: PayURDebtt Twitter: LoveURSelf72 Twitter: @ServeRChildren Twitter:@PoliticalJust Twitter: @uscogi Facebook: louisfelicianuman Facebook: @ServeRChildren Facebook: @1PoliticalJustice Facebook: @uscogi Email: mailto:1politicaljustice@gmail.com Website: http://www.uscog.org Phone: [260] 267-3831, [725]274-3199 Email: mailto:lfnumanphd@gmail.com The Now Network Tuesday Morning(s) 1:30 a.m. https://www.thenownetwork.org/uscoghttp://www.thenownetwork.org/uscog http://gmail.com Now Network: Tuesdays Mornings 1:30 a.m https://get.theapp.co/rddc?fbclid=iwar1xofz6ti10mqqqm_qmvomdfapwzxdkhxvkik46frzog8utfvamckzacsa   Download App


March 8, 2023 • Louis Felicia Dixon Numan • Exodus 20:15, Numbers 14:18

We Continue to Discuss the Medical Kidnapping of our daughter, E'yona Nikia Numan, from Havenwyck (wicked) Hospital, in Auburn Hills, MI when she was 13 years old. This happened to us five to six years ago in Detroit, MI and this was done by the homosexual community under the Administration of Donald J. Trump and it started with lame duck president—Barack Obama. This took place with CPS and Havenwyck [wicked] Hospital, Auburn Hills, MI.   We Also Discussed The Following:   We As Black People need Slavery Reparations to enjoy our interest in the country WE built; Heaven On Earth --- Bad & Evil Gotta Go!!!; Mutilation, Castration of our young children is an Abomination and Slavery; Caucasion People R Self -Haters who taught us this learned behavior---; The Honorable Elijah Muhammed Should be a Part of Black History taught to black & white students; We Pray To God about the Devil Preying on our little ones about trans aka homosexuality; Caucasion People are walking On The Graves of Brave Comrades; We Got One Party; God[less]; It is terrible to b a homosexual, but what is worse u want to be known as a homo; Minister Louis discussed how he was drafted in the 70s to fight Anti-Christ; #Potus Biden wants you 2 affirm your child's confused gender aka homosexuality; Caucasion people complaining about Rachel Levine is not a woman--Well Black people c/o Obama is not Black; U can't have double standards; Transgenderism is something we saw in Frankenstein Movies---; Don't Build Your Life and Your Children's Life on lies; Pay D Numan Lawsuit;   We the descendants of Black Slaves have not been paid Slavery Reparations, but our slave owners have been paid since April 16, 1862 because they “lost” their property (US—Black Slaves).   Contact:   Twitter: @ServeRChildren Twitter:@PoliticalJust Twitter: @uscogi Facebook: louisfelicianuman Facebook: @ServeRChildren Facebook: @1PoliticalJustice Facebook: @uscogi Email: mailto:1politicaljustice@gmail.com Website: http://www.uscog.org/ Phone: [725]274-3199 Email: mailto:lfnumanphd@gmail.com The Now Network Tuesday Morning(s) 1:30 a.m. https://www.thenownetwork.org/uscoghttp://www.thenownetwork.org/uscog http://gmail.com/ Now Network: Tuesdays Mornings 1:30 a.m https://get.theapp.co/rddc?fbclid=iwar1xofz6ti10mqqqm_qmvomdfapwzxdkhxvkik46frzog8utfvamckzacsa   Download App   From  

Slavery Reparation[s] - 01/20/23

January 20, 2023 • Louis Felicia Dixon Numan • Proverbs 14:9, Leviticus

We Continue to Discuss the Medical Kidnapping [Systemic Racism] of our daughter, E'yona Nikia Numan, from Havenwyck (wicked) Hospital, in Auburn Hills, MI when she was 13 years old. This happened to us five to six years ago in Detroit, MI and this was done by the homosexual community under the Administration of Donald J. Trump and it started with lame duck president—Barack Obama. This took place with CPS and Havenwyck [wicked] Hospital, Auburn Hills, MI.   We Also Discussed The Following:   The Black Nuclear Family was not A "Freak Show"; Slavery Reparation[s] Should be Allocated for the following atrocities against Black People---The 1994 Crime Bill; School 2 Prison Pipeline, Slavery Reparation[s], and now forcing homosexuality on our little ones; Black Commentators state Slavery Reparations is Racist -- The White Slave Owner were paid Reparations 4 losing their property (black people--April 1862); $3 Trillion disguised as taxes were stolen from the American People & we don't hear the outcry; George Santos is a Product of U; The Government States that The Truth is the more corrupt and the more you lie then u are promoted and if you do right you r persecuted; Men Sharpen Men; We As Black People need Slavery Reparations to enjoy our interest in the country WE built; Heaven On Earth --- Bad & Evil Gotta Go!!! Mutilation, Castration of our young children is an Abomination and Slavery; Caucasion People R Self -Haters who taught us this learned behavior---;   We the descendants of Black Slaves have not been paid Slavery Reparations, but our slave owners have been paid since April 16, 1862 because they “lost” their property (US—Black Slaves).   Contact:   Twitter: @ServeRChildren Twitter:@PoliticalJust Twitter: @uscogi Facebook: louisfelicianuman Facebook: @ServeRChildren Facebook: @1PoliticalJustice Facebook: @uscogi Email: mailto:1politicaljustice@gmail.com Website: http://www.uscog.org Phone: [260] 267-3831, [725]274-3199 Email: mailto:lfnumanphd@gmail.com The Now Network Tuesday Morning(s) 1:30 a.m. https://www.thenownetwork.org/uscoghttp://www.thenownetwork.org/uscog http://gmail.com Now Network: Tuesdays Mornings 1:30 a.m https://get.theapp.co/rddc?fbclid=iwar1xofz6ti10mqqqm_qmvomdfapwzxdkhxvkik46frzog8utfvamckzacsa   Download App

Slavery Reparation[s] Is A Must - 11-19-22

November 19, 2022 • Louis Felicia Dixon Numan • Galatians 6:7

We Continue to Discuss the Medical Kidnapping of our daughter, E'yona Nikia Numan, from Havenwyck (wicked) Hospital, in Auburn Hills, MI when she was 13 years old. This happened to us five to six years ago in Detroit, MI and this was done by the homosexual community under the Administration of Donald J. Trump and it started with lame duck president—Barack Obama. This took place with CPS and Havenwyck[wicked] Hospital, Auburn Hills, MI.   We Also Discussed The Following:   What is White Privilege And how it is a form of Injustice Itself?;Injustice = Collision Course With God;Gov't Is Creating a Mirage 4 Most of these people in position[s];We As Black People R Entitled to Reparations and this is not a handout;Chloe Cole - Double Mastectomy's @ 15yo; T-Blockers @ 13yo; DE transition - @ 16yo;Every Black Woman, Man, & Child Is Due $5 Million with Reoccurring payments;  We the descendants of Black Slaves have not been paid Slavery Reparations, but our slave owners have been paid since April 16, 1862 because they “lost” their property (US—Black Slaves).   Contact:   Twitter: @ServeRChildren Twitter:@PoliticalJust Twitter: @uscogi Facebook: louisfelicianuman Facebook: @ServeRChildren Facebook: @1PoliticalJustice Facebook: @uscogi Email: mailto:1politicaljustice@gmail.com Website: http://www.uscog.org Phone: [260] 267-3831, [725]274-3199 Email: mailto:lfnumanphd@gmail.com The Now Network Tuesday Morning(s) 1:30 a.m. https://www.thenownetwork.org/uscoghttp://www.thenownetwork.org/uscog http://gmail.com Now Network: Tuesdays Mornings 1:30 a.m https://get.theapp.co/rddc?fbclid=iwar1xofz6ti10mqqqm_qmvomdfapwzxdkhxvkik46frzog8utfvamckzacsa   Download App

Intro To Slavery Reparations

October 24, 2022 • Louis Felicia Dixon Numan • Proverbs 14:9

“Fools mock at reparations, but among the upright, there is Favor” (Proverbs 14:9) Political Justice is a subsidy organization of The Universal Science Church of God, Inc. [USCOG]. Our values come from the Bible (Old and New Testament); We are Advocates of Social Justice cause(s) and to be more specific we are calling for Reparations for the Black Descendants of Slaves, Rehabbing the Criminal Justice Systems (the current system is systemically racist against black and brown people), Child Protection Services should be torn down because they are the real Child Abusers in this Country. We Continue to Discuss the Medical Kidnapping of our daughter, E'yona Nikia Numan, from Havenwyck (wicked) Hospital, in Auburn Hills, MI when she was 13 years old. This happened to us five to six years ago in Detroit, MI and this was done by the homosexual community under the Administration of Donald J. Trump and it started with lame duck president—Barack Obama. This took place with CPS and Havenwyck Hospital, Auburn Hills, MI. Original, True, Divine Love is between a heterosexual man and woman. Now the Government has decided that this type of love that was ordained by God can exist between same sex (two men adopting a child). Today we will continue to discuss and concentrate on Marriage/Family and how the Government has destroyed it through legislative policies. The Government has stated through its subsidiaries that "The Black Nuclear Family Was A Mistake". Potus Biden states that parents need to affirm their child's gender... In Other words, if your boy wants to be a girl and vise versa you are to obey and agree. The Government Is agreeing with homosexuality of our children through molestation, castration, brutalizing our little who are the most vulnerable. Hands Off Our Children, Government. The United States Government has yet to compensate descendants of enslaved Black Americans for their labor. Reparations for Black Americans should be limited to people whose forbears were kidnapped from their homeland, stripped of their ancestry and left with nothing after generations of forced labor. Nor has the federal government atoned for the lost equity from anti-Black housing, transportation, large wealth disparities, healthcare, and business policy. Slavery, Jim Crow segregation, anti-Black practices like redlining, using Child Protections Services to destroy Black Nuclear Christian Home and other discriminatory public policies. In the criminal justice and education system we have been robbed as Black Americans of the opportunities to build wealth (defined as assets minus debt) afforded to their white peers due to ongoing Injustice. Recessions impact everyone, but wealth is distributed quite unevenly in the U.S. and whites with their minion blacks on the media always proudly state “This will only affect the black community” and on the other end they are stating we don’t need reparations. The whole bible is about Right (Justice-God) and Wrong (Injustice-http://devil).there are clearest predecessor programs that were set up by Germany to compensate victims of the Holocaust, by South Africa to compensate victims of apartheid, by the US to compensate victims of Japanese internment during World War II, by the state of North Carolina to compensate victims of its forced sterilization programs in the mid-20th century, by the federal government to compensate victims of the Tuskegee experiment, and by Florida to compensate victims of the Rosewood race riot of 1923. The federal government even paid slave owners reparations for losing their property (Black People). On April 16, 1862, the District of Columbia Compensated Emancipation Act became law. Pause for a minute to consider how much compensation would have been offered to the people who suffered torture and other human rights abuses and whose labor and families were stolen for generations. The answer is zero. The federal government compensated the “owners” of enslaved people for their “loss of property.” The people who were freed were not compensated, nor given any assistance for the transition to their freedom. Emancipation Day is an official holiday in Washington, D.C. This is as shameful as slavery itself and to not atone for past sins because this county have discovered a more professional way to "lynch" black people with other black people in positions. We the descendants of Black Slaves have not been paid Slavery Reparations, but our slave owners have been paid since April 16, 1862 because they “lost” their property (US—Black Slaves). 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