Political Justice is a subsidy organization of The Universal Science Church of God, Inc. [USCOG]. Our values come from the Bible (Old and New Testament); We are Advocates of Social Justice cause(s) and to be more specific we are calling for Reparations for the Black Descendants of Slaves, Rehabbing the Criminal Justice Systems (the current system is systemically racist against black and brown people), Child Protection Services should be torn down because they are the real Child Abusers in this Country.
We Continue to Discuss the Medical Kidnapping of our daughter, E'yona Nikia Numan, from Havenwyck (wicked) Hospital in Auburn Hills, MI, when she was 13 years old. This happened to us seven to eight years ago in Detroit, MI, and this was done by the homosexual community under the Administration of Donald J. Trump, and it started with lame-duck president—Barack Obama. This took place with CPS and Havenwyck Hospital, Auburn Hills, MI.
We discussed the following topics today 11-22-2024:
Need Term Limits
We are tired of our tax money paying for security for these politicians to continue to mess us the community
The politicians are afraid to give up their seats because people are waiting to assault them
Crime Bill Joe of 1994 couldn't leave in grace
Revenge is not backwards because there is no expiration date
Nasty Democrats In Selma, AL walked around and said incestuous things about me and my father
Everybody need to go to jail
Now we see why HELL is forever
Framework of The Teaching of the Bible - Old & New Testament to get back on track
Jesus Christ is NOT A hoax
The Nuclear Family was NOT A mistake
Black US Citizens families and children's are hostages of CPS
Imitation is not real
Duty of a civilized man - Who is responsible for teaching civilization
Technology - Social Media has unmasked people and their corruption
Why are people not worried and discussing the separation of Black families through CPS since you are worried about the marginalized.
Exceeding the Limits - Destroying the Heterosexual Black Family
Celebrating Veterans Day - Taking our Child out of a honorably discharged Veteran home (Louis)
These are the reason I am exploring a run for Congress - Min. Dr. Felicia M. Numan
The Game is real
Judge Laura J. Michelson calling Louis "Louise"
Ironically the state of Michigan has a hate crime bill that will charge you will a felony if you misgender someone as a form of intimidation
Persecute Black Families by DEM & GOP Parties
Dr. Ben Carson
Black people deserve more than symbolism in the form of tokenism by pretendig to the world we have civil rights.
The new noose for Black people is the ink pen which is utilized to sign, seal, and deliver racist policies and laws
The new slavery in chains is to be a slave of sin
Is 45-47 "Hitler" and/or "Mussolini"…….
The Honorable & Late Rev. J.D. & Lucile Hunter of Selma, Al
CPS is notorious for not helping children and families that need help. Their goal is to align with the government in its mission to persecute Black Nuclear Families because, in its own words, it was a mistake. Nothing can exist without man and woman and this is ordained by God.
Justice is an inherent Mandatory Gift from God not the Government. The Government is legislating Immorality against people of God and Heterosexual men, women, and families. People need Justice from politics because it is being used to punish people with independent thoughts and that is corrupt.
Leave Our Children Alone.
We, the descendants of Black Slaves, have not been paid Slavery Reparations, but our slave owners have been paid since April 16, 1862, because they “lost” their property (US—Black Slaves).
Contact Info:
Twitter: @ServeRChildren
Twitter: @uscogi
Facebook: louisfelicianuman
Facebook: @ServeRChildren
Facebook: @1PoliticalJustice
Facebook: @uscogi
Phone: [725] 274-3199
The Now Network Tuesday Morning(s) 1:30 a.m. https://www.thenownetwork.org/uscog
Now Network: Tuesdays Mornings 1:30 a.m
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