
2812 Morris Snook Classic Pt 2

Rebellious Sons, Nursing Home

Morry marries Jean and they raise five children while being active in ministry. Sons Craig and Brent rebel, smoking, drinking and using drugs. Brent surrenders to Christ at fourteen and Craig goes forward but can’t quit using drugs. Brent takes his brother to a Christian movie where Craig gets saved. Both brothers are now pastors. At 75 Morry has a stroke and lives in a nursing home. A soldier in Brent’s church is captured in Iraq and the story ends with Brent’s sermon on our hope in Christ.

2820 Thomas Williams Pt 2

After Tom joins the Navy and his girlfriend drops him, he is depressed. A buddy tries to talk to him about Jesus, but he rejects the overtures. Then he foolishly goes AWOL for a day and is sentenced to work fifteen hours every day for three months, except for chapel. In chapel a man shares the gospel and Tom prays for salvation. He witnesses to his family and all but his father profess faith. He marries, has five children and still serves the Lord faithfully.

2819 Thomas Williams Pt 1

Tom’s parents have problems: his dad drinks and rarely comes home; his mother, a manic-depressive, slides into mental illness as his father becomes unfaithful. Tom and siblings live with an aunt when his mother is hospitalized. The aunt and uncle provide guidance and discipline, taking the siblings to church. Tom falls in love but graduates and becomes a merchant sailor on the Great Lakes, planning to marry. His girlfriend drops him, leaving him depressed. The first part ends with Tom in the Navy and his aunt telling him to get a relationship with Christ.

2818 “Bob Grant” Pt 2

Bob’s mother rails against his decision for Christ, mocking him and making him leave home. He serves in the navy, returns home to work in the machine shop, but decides to go into ministry. He marries Jean, witnesses to his family, but they are unreceptive. His older brother, abandoned at birth, finds the family, but Bob’s mother rejects him. This brother and Bob’s younger brother die as well as Bob’s father, who prays the sinner’s prayer before death. Retired now, Bob contrasts his life with his older brother, now in prison, and his mother, still unyielding at 94.