
7 Words from the Cross

March 24-31, 2023

The Day God Turned His Face Away, Part 2

March 31, 2023 • Colin Smith • Matthew 27:46

Many people speculate what hell will be like. But the clearest revelation of hell has been given to us at the cross. Pastor Colin talks about the six dimensions of hell, and how Jesus experienced every one of them on the cross.

The Day God Turned His Face Away, Part 1

March 30, 2023 • Colin Smith • Matthew 27:46

What actually happened on the cross? We know that Jesus Christ suffered and died, but beyond his physical suffering, what was happening there? Pastor Colin shows us from the Bible that there was more going on than meets the eye.

Breakfast with the Devil, Supper with the Savior, Part 2

March 29, 2023 • Colin Smith • Luke 23:43

A person pursues a life of crime, and their heart is full of anger towards God… then they die and go to heaven. Can they really have any confidence at all that they’ll receive a warm reception there? Pastor Colin talks about the surprising answer for one man.

Breakfast with the Devil, Supper with the Savior, Part 1

March 28, 2023 • Colin Smith • Luke 23:43

Two men had pursued a life of crime; they were angry with God, and now they stood on the brink of eternity. Pastor Colin talks about how something changed in one man’s soul, and he cried out to Jesus, “Remember me when you come into your kingdom.” Discover the stunning words Jesus said to this man.

Praying for the Person Who Causes You Pain, Part 2

March 27, 2023 • Colin Smith • Luke 23:34

Have you ever wondered what Jesus was doing while he was on the cross? Was he gritting his teeth… or fantasizing about getting revenge on his tormentors? Discover the startling answer.

Praying for the Person Who Causes You Pain, Part 1

March 24, 2023 • Colin Smith • Luke 23:34

The men who put Jesus to death were committing a great sin, but they didn’t think they were doing anything wrong. They didn’t have a bad conscience, or feel that they needed to ask for forgiveness. How is that possible?