
High School Mission


June 22 - 29, 2024

All 2023-2024 9th-12th grade students are invited to join us June 22nd-29th for a week of service, fun, community, and Jesus. A week in which the hard work you will do is only equaled by the incredible reward you will experience from serving, learning and working alongside your teammates. Our week will look a little different than last year. We will still get to serve in a lot of ways we’ve done in the past as well as have the opportunity for some new ways to serve. It’s going to be a week that you do not want to miss!

Location: New Orleans

Cost Options: $500 full price, $350 partial price, and scholarships are available.

Student and adult registrations are now open and will close on June 12th. Click the "Register Here" button/link to sign-up now.

For more information contact Albert at AAguilar@UniversitySATX.Org or call the Main Office at 210.696.1033.