

October 11, 2020 • Gregg Parris

Like what you're hearing? Keep the conversation going. Find a few people to talk with about the things you've been learning. Here are a few questions that you can use to kickstart some conversation.

• Share the most ridiculous selfie you’ve seen recently.
• If you could switch lives with someone, real or fictional, who would it be and why?
• Between the weekend message and now, which areas of discontentment has God exposed in you?
• On a scale of 1-10 (1=not at all, 10=completely) how satisfied are you with your life? Why did you choose that number? What would it take to move that number up?
• What are some differences between comparing yourself to God’s standard and comparing yourself to the world’s standard?
• In what area do you feel most content? Why is that?
• In what area do you feel least content? Why do you think that is? What can you do about that to change it?
• What are some specific sources of envy you need to block from your life?
• Paul shares his secret to contentment in Philippians 4:12-13. Talk about what living through Christ’s strength looks like in daily life.
• What are some blessings of others that we can celebrate together? What changes could you notice about how you feel after taking time to do this?

End with a challenge to take action.

• How will you cultivate gratitude through Christ’s strength this week? Specifically what do you commit to do?
• What steps would you need to take to make Christ all you need? How can you increase that this week?

More from Struggles


November 8, 2020 • Gregg Parris

Like what you're hearing? Keep the conversation going. Find a few people to talk with about the things you've been learning. Here are a few questions that you can use to kickstart some conversation. • Who sleeps with your phone? Who checks email on vacation? Who looks at social media first thing every morning? Last thing of the day? While you’re driving? Posts from the bathroom? • Describe your love/hate relationship with technology in a few phrases. • On a scale of 1 to 10, how addicted are you to technology and why? • Which app, game, or form of media is the biggest problem for you? What about it makes you admit it’s a problem? • What are some signs that technology is your master? • How has the amount of time you spend staring at your phone or computer affected your relationships with the people around you in real life? • How much time do you think is healthy for you to spend on your phone daily? • How would you feel if you skipped all online media for a day? A week? A year? • What are some signs that you aren’t experiencing the kind of rest God wants you to? • Is “stillness” even something you want? What would you give up to get it? Why might you avoid being still? • What is a good defensive plan for you and those you love to overcome or prevent an addiction to technology? • What is a good offensive plan to seek God first in your life? Choose a closing question to help each person identify their next steps. • What actions will you take to seek true rest from Christ? • What change will you make this week to get rest for your soul? • What steps will you take to “do your best to enter into His rest”?


November 1, 2020 • Gregg Parris

Like what you're hearing? Keep the conversation going. Find a few people to talk with about the things you've been learning. Here are a few questions that you can use to kickstart some conversation. • What’s the most awkward overshare you’ve seen on social media? Take a few minutes to laugh about it! • It’s time #TBH (to be honest). Everyone think of something you feel bad about not feeling bad about. Then, take turns finishing the sentence, “I couldn’t care less about _____.” • In your own life or in the lives of others, how have you noticed that people don’t care as much? • If someone followed you around, what evidence might they see that you’re obsessed with yourself? (Bonus for admitting you’d love it if someone watched your every move.) • Share an example of something you would say you care about that you don’t do anything about. Try to identify what’s keeping you from turning those feelings into action. • How has serving and caring for others impacted your life? • Share a time when you showed compassion and it ended up changing you more than the person you were caring for. • In real life, compassion interrupts our lives and has high costs. How can getting closer to Christ help you overcome those obstacles? • Pastor Gregg said, “The closer I get to Jesus, the less I care about me, and the more I care about people.” How have you found this to be true for you? End with a challenge to take action. • What can we do to put action to our compassion this week? How can our group love people better? • Who is someone you love who could really use some actual care this week? What will you do to reach out to them? • How and where is God calling you to care? What action will you take this week?


October 25, 2020 • Gregg Parris

Like what you're hearing? Keep the conversation going. Find a few people to talk with about the things you've been learning. Here are a few questions that you can use to kickstart some conversation. • Share something silly that was a struggle for you this week that isn’t really a big deal compared to deeper #struggles. • Share a time when you worked to create a social media moment instead of just engaging in the situation. • Scroll through the things you’ve posted online. Share the real story that was going on that might not show in the carefully crafted photo or post. • How many close friends do you have?. How far off is this number from what you think would be God’s best for you? • Do you see any area of your life where you are starting to fear or avoid unfiltered communication? • What’s something about you that you’d never reveal to your wider group of “friends” on your social media page? • What veil are you wearing? What are some situations where you find yourself showing “the me I want you to see”? • Who are the people who get to see the real you? • What efforts do you take to pre-plan conversations? How do these filtered communications affect your ability to have authentic friendships in other settings? • What does Christ need to do in you to help you to live a filter-free life? End with a challenge to take action. • What can our group do to be open, real, and authentic with each other? What would it take for us to really remove all filters between us? • What step can you take to challenge yourself to be authentic this week? If all of your ideas are within social media and not in real life, what will you do to challenge yourself to open up in person? • How can we help each other with our #struggles this week?