
Christmas Eve at Union Chapel

December 24, 2020 • Gregg Parris

Finish Well

December 27, 2020 • Gregg Parris

II Timothy 4:1-8 I. Endure hardship gladly. II. Prepare well. III. Keep your eye on the goal. IV. Finish well.

Celebrate Christmas

December 20, 2020 • Gregg Parris

Deuteronomy 16:9-17 I. Remembrance PARRIS’ TOP TEN CHRISTMAS SUGGESTIONS 1. Attend a Christmas Eve Candlelight service 2. Invest some time caring for/serving others. 3. Drive around and look at the light displays. 4. Feast with gratitude and eat too much without guilt. 5. Take a small gift to your neighbor (and introduce yourself). 6. Do not turn down fudge or Christmas cookies this year. 7. Sing Christmas carols loudly (on key is optional). 8. Watch “It’s A Wonderful Life” at least once. 9. Greet people with “Merry Christmas!” 10. Give yourself afresh to the Christ of Christmas. II. Rejoicing III. Feasting TOP TEN THINGS YOU DON’T WANT TO HEAR AT CHRISTMAS DINNER 10. I’m just using up cranberry sauce I had left over from last Christmas. 9. So, I figured if I’m dieting, everybody’s dieting. 8. Just brush the frost off the turkey before you carve it. 7. Who wants bologna? 6. Thought I’d save a little time and just leave the feathers on. 5. I’m trying out a brand new stuffing recipe. Hope you like licorice. 4. Before we eat I thought we could just go around the table and take turns telling our favorite Christmas memory. 3. Wait! We didn’t get a picture. Everybody put your food back. 2. Put on that cute record about grandma and the reindeer while we eat. 1. Here’s the fruitcake! IV. Giving

A Change of Plans

December 13, 2020 • Gregg Parris

Luke 1:26-37 I. When God changes your plans He’s trying to get your attention. There is a way that seems right to a man, but in the end it leads to death. Proverbs 14:12 II. When God changes your plans it also means God has a better plan. I know what I am planning for you, says the Lord. I have good plans for you. Not plans to hurt you. And I will give you hope and a good future. Jeremiah 29:11 We know God’s plan is bigger than your plan. We know God’s plan is more rewarding. We know God’s plan is at times harder. III. God wants you to trust Him. Without faith it is impossible to please God. Hebrews 11:6 Three warning signs of lack of trust: fatigue, frustration, fear. The Lord will work out his plans for my life for his faithful love endures forever. Psalm 138:8